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JFK: Comic Book Hero

(…continued from THIS) It was a bright, sunny Friday like this one, 50 years ago, that John F. Kennedy met his end in Dallas, Texas. This is, of course, well known, and one of the… [more]

An Unknown Soldier in an Unknown War: Joshua Dysart’s Unknown Soldier

An exploration of the Unknown Soldier’s meta-mythology about war and the individual. Joshua Dysart reboots the franchise in Uganda. [more]

The Bechdel Test and a Sexy Lamp: Detecting Gender Bias and Stereotypes in Mainstream Comics

Recently, the Swedish Film Institute began sponsoring a movement spearheaded by a number of theaters who are now making use of the “Bechdel Test” to evaluate their films in order to determine the extent of… [more]

Lee Harvey Oswald: A Comics Villain?

This week marks the 50th anniversary of one of the most infamous days in world history: November 22nd, 1963. Based on the violent and deadly events of that day, the names John F. Kennedy and… [more]

Slip and Slide

A few weeks ago, I went to the New York City Comic Con for the first time in my life and suffice it to say, it was an incredible experience.  From meeting creators who were… [more]

Reflections on Batkid

It’s easy to be cynical. Especially about super-heroes, in an era when they dominate the box office and opening weekends are debated for years before they happen. And then something like this happens. On Friday… [more]

“Where’s Canon Fodder?”: Shameless? Part 36

Continued from last week. Though pinpointing exactly when Millar stopped working for 2000AD is an difficult business, he’d most definitely moved onto the American market by the time Canon Fodder returned without him in 1996. With the… [more]

Alan Moore Turns 60 Today

Today is the 60th birthday of Alan Moore, one of the strongest, most creative and unique comic voices of the past three decades. I’m sure everyone can join in sending best wishes to him in… [more]

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is About to Become the Marvel TV Universe

One of the things that bugs me about franchises is that people rarely see them objectively, from a remove. The most fondly remembered installments overshadow everything else, even when “everything else” is the larger work.… [more]

The Sandman Overture #1 Review

The Sandman Overture #1 Written by Neil Gaiman Art by J.H. Williams, III Cover by J.H. Williams, III Dave McKean Variant Cover by J.H. Williams, III Dave McKean Published by DC/VERTIGO Comics Rating: 10 (of 10) The Sandman takes… [more]

Capital Thoughts: Captain America #12

This issue has Cap taking stock of his life. He confesses to the Falcon that he feels lost. Meanwhile, Nuke is on a killing spree in Eastern Europe, fighting a war for hearts and minds… [more]

The Original (and Better) Kickass: A Look Back at Steve Gerber’s Foolkiller #1-10, Part Two

Continued from part one, wherein we met Kurt Gerhardt, the “new” (in 1990) Foolkiller, and took a look at how far ahead of its time his story was, and considered the fact that Steve Gerber… [more]

Hob’s Leviathan and Other Fantastic Stories

A burial at sea holds so many secrets. The sea, or open waters, have upheld a strange significance in the hearts and minds of passengers, sailors, and captains alike. With satellite imaging and advanced cartography… [more]

On Voyage in Noise: Warren Ellis and the Demise of Western Civilization

I don’t remember which Warren Ellis comic was my first. I certainly read his Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight issue, but I doubt it put the name Warren Ellis into my still-young brain. I… [more]

The3rdWall’s Video Reviews: Person of Interest Season 3, Episode 1

Welcome to the first episode of The3rdWall’s Video Reviews! This will be a new series of videos created for Sequart. Specifically, they will be a collection of video reviews of various comic- and geek-culture-related TV… [more]

Ultimate Spider-Man #13 Uses Art and Dialogue to Add Depth to Its Characters

There are no masks, tights, or supervillains in Ultimate Spider-Man #13. There isn’t a fight scene. No one gets hurt. The whole comic is about a teenager having a conversation with his girlfriend and aunt.… [more]

“I Only Wanted To Be Loved”: Shameless? Part 35

Continued from two weeks ago. Canon Fodder reads as if two distinct stories had been awkwardly spliced together. In its first half, it’s the tale of how the Canon, Doctor Watson and Mycroft Holmes desperately combine… [more]

Fitting Young Miracleman’s “Quiet Desperation” into Miracleman, Book Two

We’ve discussed the silent Young Miracleman story (parts one and two) originally printed in Warrior #12. Today, we discuss how to understand that story as part of Book Two. (If you’re new, hop to the introduction,… [more]

Your Indie Weekly: Thunderfrog Charitable Anthology Volume 3

Thunderfrog Charitable Anthology Volume 3 Written and Drawn by: Various Creators Published by: Thunderfrog Studios Website: It’s hard enough trying to make money in comics but to do so as an indie comic creator… [more]

Who is Don Blake?

Thor returns to cinemas this week, in the second installment of an improbably successful film franchise that has made Chris Hemsworth into a worldwide movie star and familiarized millions with the titular norse thunder god.… [more]

Thor’s Early Identity Crisis

Marvel’s introduction of Thor in Journey Into Mystery #83 (published in August 1962) ushered into the world a comic book character that transcended traditional superhero characteristics. Stan Lee, who created Thor, along with his brother… [more]

Thor’s Facelift: Norse Mythology in the Marvel Universe

In 2011, Marvel added the highly anticipated “super-human” alien, Thor, to their cinematic universe, and was largely considered a success. Kenneth Branagh’s direction of the film conjured an old world Shakespearean atmosphere that allowed for… [more]

Colloquium #5: Norse Cosmology — Jason Aaron on Thor: God of Thunder

Markisan interviews Jason Aaron on Thor: God of Thunder. They talk about the three versions of Thor, the deliciousness of Mead, coming up with elf names, Mangog, and why beards are essential for both men and Gods.… [more]

Better off Dead – Ennis and Fabry’s Thor: Vikings

Thor fights Viking Zombies with help of warriors from various eras. That sounds like a great premise for a Rick Remender style Grindhouse action series; and the writer, Garth Ennis, has been doing fine with… [more]

If They Be Worthy, They Shall Possess the Power of Thor!

“Whosever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of…Thor”. These are the words inscribed on the hammer of the Mighty Thor; on the mythological hammer Mjolnir itself. Thor, though himself a… [more]