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Preacher: “All in the Family”

Ah, finally we come to the first ‘big’ storyline explored in Preacher: Jesse’s childhood. The arc that stands up and bellows “This title isn’t just tits and innards! Close, but not quite!” Let’s synopsise this… [more]

Week 24: Web of 52

I’d like to take this moment to say that Skeets has quite a lot on Brian Graiser, including a army of cyborgs and pirates. Loose Ends Dr. Ralph – Kicking ass in (in his best… [more]

Best Behavior: SPX 2006

Introduction I’ve written extensively about the MOCCA festival for this website, but the event that truly changed the course of how I think about comics was the Small Press Expo, or SPX. It opened my… [more]

The Good, the Bad, and the Fugly: Comic Books and Duality

We have explored costumed comic book heroes and villains, dancing out the eternal ballet of good versus evil. Their world is black and white. Batman will forever be at odds with the Joker, the pendulum… [more]

Artists to Seek out at SPX 2006

The Small Press Expo (SPX) is coming up this Friday and Saturday, October 13th-14th, in Bethesda, MD. It’s still the pre-eminent smallpress/indy/alternative/etc. comics festival, and this year it’s in a new location. Happily, the new… [more]

In the Beginning… #4

Whether it is uninviting and difficult or fascinating and exciting is a matter of opinion, but it is undeniable that at the moment the DC Universe is a confusing place to newcomers. In all probability,… [more]

Week 22: STUFF!!

This week’s edition of Who are the 52? is brought to you by the letter P and viewers like you. Especially the ones who send me stuff like the following: (The following excerpts are unedited… [more]

Strange Territory: Joe Daly’s Scrublands

It’s hard to pin down Joe Daly’s influences and hence what sort of comic SCRUBLANDS is. The book notes his strong influence by American underground artists like R.Crumb, Gilbert Shelton, S.Clay Wilson and others. While… [more]

The Sequart Detective: A Matter of Justice, Part 5

Analysis #5: Reviewing the first two-thirds of Justice #3. My name is unimportant. What’s important is…I’m a detective. WARNING: Not only does this article contain spoilers for the Justice issues reviewed, it attempts to deduce… [more]

Art Comics For Beginners: The Best American Comics 2006

As anyone who’s read my articles on MOME and HOTWIRE will quickly realize, I have a particular interest in comics anthologies and the effect they can have on comics in general. While there are many… [more]

Week 20: Bald Moon Rising

This week’s column is brought to you by the letter B for BALD and by Brian Michael Bendis. Basically, I’m updating one of my favorite theories I’ve written so far. The 52 List -Pg.1 Batcave… [more]

Firing On All Cylinders: Sparkplug Comic Books

A welcome trend in the comics world in recent years is the rise of the boutique publisher. With modest publishing goals and realistic release schedules, a small publisher can carve out a nice niche for… [more]

The Sequart Detective: A Matter of Justice, Part 4

My name is unimportant. What’s important is…I’m a detective. WARNING: Not only does this article contain spoilers for the Justice issues reviewed, it attempts to deduce the plots and mysteries of future issues as well.… [more]

The Valiant Tangent — Harbinger #1-4 (Children of the Eighth Day, Part 1)

Welcome back to The Valiant Tangent, the longest running series whose goal it is to chronicle some of the stories and characters of Valiant Comics and the things that made them not only cool, but… [more]

Week 19: I Think You Look Good When You Wear Gold

Last week the last few things I wrote seemed a little disorganized, instead of going back and editing them or apologizing to you I’m retconning. That’s right I’m going to retcon the continuity of my… [more]

Quiet Moments And Early Reflections: Kampung Boy and Missouri Boy

One of the really encouraging developments in recent years in the comics industry has been the increasing number of publishing houses that have started up a graphic novel imprint. This has been happening in fits… [more]

Week 18: I Can’t Believe It’s Not Booster Gol- Oh Wait…

This week marks the official induction of a new segment! The Blurb Detective! In this segment I will look at a up coming week’s blurb on the 52 website and figure out what it means.… [more]

Week 17: LOBO, Violence Convert or Violent Convert?

Before I start this week’s column I’d like to applaud what has been one of my favorite weeks of 52 so far. Week 17 definitely contains my favorite Secret Origin so far writing and art-wise.… [more]

Week 16: I Can’t Believe It’s Not Booster Gold!

This week I was traveling so instead of having a normal format I present to you the following… I CAN’T BELIEVE IT’S NOT BOOSTER GOLD! Who is Supernova? My trusty sidekick the internet has failed… [more]

Crisis from Infinite Tie-Ins (or Are We Facing Crossover Exhaustion?)

When Infinite Crisis was first announced, I was as excited as the next fanboy, eager to see what this would be about and what it would mean for the DC Universe. With a title harkening… [more]

Take the Superhero Test! (or, Excelsior!)

Land ho! It’s once again time to batten down the hatches and weather another installment of Tact is for the Weak, the column that did not buy a pirated copy of Mission: Impossible III from… [more]

Breaking the Code (or, How Mom and Dad are Ruining Your Life)

Aaaaaaaaannnnnnnnd we’re back for a new season! It’s time to reinstate martial law in the land and grab yer shotguns! Hide the children and mark your doors with sheep’s blood! After far too long, Tact… [more]

Mome: Comics’ New Murderer’s Row

Five issues of Fantagraphics’ new flagship anthology, MOME, have been published. I was immensely excited when news of it was announced, because a number of my favorite young artists were to be part of its… [more]

Psycho Icons: Freak Criminals and Super-Villains

“You don’t understand these things because you’re not under the influence of factor x.” Despite what you may think, this is not the deranged taunting of a primary-colored comic book heavy. This is an excerpt… [more]

The Sequart Detective: A Matter of Justice, Part 3

My name is unimportant. What’s important is…I’m a detective. WARNING: Not only does this article contain spoilers for the Justice issues reviewed, it attempts to deduce the plots and mysteries of future issues as well.… [more]