“Superman Versus the City of Tomorrow” -- 29 pages
- written by Grant Morrison
- pencils by Rags Morales
- inks by Rick Bryant
- six months into his costumed career, Superman scares a confession out of a corrupt developer and saves slum dwellers from a wrecking ball, while General Lane and Lex Luthor watch
- Luthor puts Lois (General Lane’s daughter) and her co-worker Jimmy Olsen in jeopardy by creating an emergency on an elevated train
- concludes with Superman captured by the government
Action Comics Vol. 2 #1 (incentive variant)

Action Comics Vol. 2 #1 (1:200 incentive variant)

Action Comics Vol. 2 #1 (second printing)

Additional Images
Action Comics Vol. 2 #1 (third printing)

See It in Context on the Continuity Pages:
Superman: DC Relaunch Superman (2011-Present)
When DC relaunched its entire line in September 2011, one of the largest controversies associated with the idea was relaunching Action Comics with a new #1 issue. (Superman had already been relaunched with a new #1… [more]