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Why Wizard? (or, Donde Estan Los Testiculos?)

It’s been a while, but I’m willing to take you back! It’s time for Tact is for the Weak, the article that has NO problem teabagging someone asleep on the tour bus with their mouth… [more]

Free Comic Book Day

This May 6th will be Free Comic Book Day. This is a national event that has been taking place in comic book retail stores for the last few years. I believe this is the fifth… [more]

Two Men are an Island

So far on Sequart, I’ve mostly done broad overviews, and irregularly at that. But I’ve received a number of submissions that demand my attention, and so I’ll have a new review every Saturday for the… [more]

Annihilation: Nova Trumps Wolverine: Origins

Hmmm…That Looks Interesting The weekly trip to the comic shop can be daunting. There are a multitude of titles every week and wading through all of the books can be a real hassle. This column… [more]

Your Guide to Civil War: The Past, the MRA, and the Watchmen

“Stop, vile villain!” shouts the Generic Superhero. “Never, I will kill my victim(s) if you fail to do as I say,” replies the Generic Villain After a tense standoff, our intrepid Generic Superhero comes up… [more]

The Valiant Tangent — X-O Manowar #1-4 (Retribution, Part 1)

Welcome back to The Valiant Tangent, the longest running column whose goal it is to chronicle some of the stories and characters of Valiant Comics and the things that made them not only cool, but… [more]

On Man-Bat #1 and Manhunter #21

Man-Bat #1 of 5 Writer: Bruce Jones Artist: Mike Huddleston Publisher: DC Comics “Man-Bat: The Return”, part 1 of 5 Story: This story is a re-introduction of the Man-Bat to the DCU proper. As I… [more]

The Slow, Donnerward Spiral (or, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: The Superman Movies)

Welcome, my acolytes, to this week’s recitation of Tact is for the Weak, the column that pays tribute to the heathen gods of yore with the ever-running blood of the innocent!…*ahem*… This summer, DC’s Superman… [more]

On Ant: Days Like These

Welcome to “Trade Waiting,” a series where we wait ’till comic book arcs are collected in trade format so that we can study and analyze the story on a whole. We will focus on character… [more]

Your Guide to Infinite Crisis: “PowerTrip”

We’ve previously examined the convoluted history of Power Girl. We now turn to Geoff Johns’s revamping of Power Girl’s origin in the pages of JSA Classified, which in turn led directly into Power Girl’s appearance in Infinite… [more]

A Look at Battle for Blüdhaven

Hmmm…That Looks Interesting The weekly trip to the comic shop can be daunting. There are a multitude of titles every week and wading through all of the books can be a real hassle. Sure there… [more]

Getting More Women Into Comics

Recently, I had a customer ask me why there aren’t more women reading comic books, and if, because I am a woman store owner, we had a lot of women shop here. Let’s just say… [more]

The Best of 2000AD

In my very first article I mentioned the importance of 2000AD and its impact on the UK comic scene (and in fact the comics world as a whole), so this month I thought I’d pull… [more]

When Winick Attacks! (or, How I Gave a 16-Year-Old Prostitute HIV)

Hey, there, gorgeous! Welcome to the latest installment of Tact is for the Weak, the article that’s gonna cut you up the middle if you don’t stop interrupting me! Let’s face it, folks; controversy sells.… [more]

Your Guide to Civil War: Introduction

Welcome to an article dedicated to Marvel Comics summer event Civil War. My name is Richard Renteria; I will be your guide throughout the event. Prior to the big event, we will focus some time… [more]

Absurdity of the Crossover (or, One Year Later: OY)

Greetings, my brothers and sisters! It’s time for another heaping helping of Tact is for the Weak, the column your girlfriend wishes you could be! A little over twenty years ago, a cosmic event was… [more]

The Valiant Tangent — Solar: Man of the Atom #1-4 (Second Death, Part 2 of 2)

Welcome back to The Valiant Tangent, the series of articles whose goal it is to chronicle some of the stories and characters of Valiant Comics and the things that made them not only cool, but… [more]

An Entertainment Bargain

On average, I have someone come into my store about once a week who feels the need to point out the cost of the comic books. Some say, “I remember when they used to cost…”… [more]

Comics Addictionado (or, The Comic Reader’s Manifesto)

Enter, mortals, and despair! This is Tact is for the Weak, the article that’s been eating Mexican food all day and can’t wait to spend the night at your place! Admittedly, comics fans are a… [more]

Jason Mewes on Various Bananarific Topics

Editor’s Note: This is the third and final part in a series of humorous interviews conducted by comedian C. C. Banana at the New York Comic-Con. In part one, the yellow one talks with Joe… [more]

Phil Jimenez on Various Yellow-Skinned Topics

Editor’s Note: This is the second part in a series of humorous interviews conducted by comedian C.C. Banana at the New York ComicCon. Click here for part one, in which the yellow one talks with Joe… [more]

Joe Quesada on Various Fruity Topics

Editor’s Note: C.C. Banana is a comedian. The following interviews are provided for entertainment purposes only. Last weekend I went to the premiere New York Comic-Con at the Jacob Javits Convention Center, intending to snag… [more]

Prepare for Annihilation: Your Guide in Preparation for the Marvel Event

What is Annihilation? War. Destruction. Cosmic Mayhem. Universal Chaos. This is what you can expect as the Annihilation event heads your way this spring; as the mysterious Annihilation Wave lays waste to the cosmos leaving… [more]

V for Vendetta… as One Londoner Sees It

I’m sure there will be a lot of talk on this site and across the web as Alan Moore’s V for Vendetta is brought to the big screen. But, I thought I’d give my perspective… [more]

The War to End All Wars (or, Tactless V. America pt. 3 of 3)

Drum roll, please! rrllrrllrrllrrllrrllrrllrrllrrll….(all the drummers out there will get that joke) Welcome, one and all, to a very special edition of the single most important source of our national pride: Tact is for the… [more]