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Morrison, Grant:

The Filth (2002-2003)

More to come.

The Filth #1

“Us Vs. Them”

  • written by Grant Morrison; pencils by Chris Weston; inks by Gary Erskine; edited by Karen Berger

first issue; cover by Segura inc.; published by DC Comics / Vertigo; cover-dated Aug 2002

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The Filth #2

“Perfect Victim”

  • written by Grant Morrison; pencils by Chris Weston; inks by Gary Erskine; edited by Karen Berger

cover by Segura inc.; published by DC Comics / Vertigo; cover-dated Sept 2002
The Filth #3

“Structures and Ultrastructures”

  • written by Grant Morrison; pencils by Chris Weston; inks by Gary Erskine; edited by Karen Berger

cover by Segura inc.; published by DC Comics / Vertigo; cover-dated Oct 2002

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The Filth #4

“S**t Happens”

  • written by Grant Morrison; pencils by Chris Weston; inks by Gary Erskine; edited by Karen Berger

cover by Segura inc.; published by DC Comics / Vertigo; cover-dated Nov 2002
The Filth #5


  • written by Grant Morrison; pencils by Chris Weston; inks by Gary Erskine; edited by Karen Berger

cover by Segura inc.; published by DC Comics / Vertigo; cover-dated Dec 2002

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The Filth #6

“The World of Anders Klimakks”

  • written by Grant Morrison; pencils by Chris Weston; inks by Gary Erskine; edited by Karen Berger

cover by Segura inc.; published by DC Comics / Vertigo; cover-dated Jan 2003

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The Filth #7

“Zero Democracy”

  • written by Grant Morrison; pencils by Chris Weston; inks by Gary Erskine; edited by Karen Berger

cover by Segura inc.; published by DC Comics / Vertigo; cover-dated Feb 2003

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The Filth #8

“♥*%$ Police”

  • written by Grant Morrison; pencils by Chris Weston; inks by Gary Erskine; edited by Karen Berger

cover by Segura inc.; published by DC Comics / Vertigo; cover-dated Mar 2003
The Filth #9

“Inside the Hand”

  • written by Grant Morrison; pencils by Chris Weston; inks by Gary Erskine; edited by Karen Berger

cover by Segura inc.; published by DC Comics / Vertigo; cover-dated Apr 2003

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The Filth #10

“Man Made God”

  • written by Grant Morrison; pencils by Chris Weston; inks by Gary Erskine; edited by Karen Berger

cover by Segura inc.; published by DC Comics / Vertigo; cover-dated June 2003
The Filth #11

“A Very English Nervous Breakdown”

  • written by Grant Morrison; pencils by Chris Weston; inks by Gary Erskine; edited by Karen Berger

cover by Segura inc.; published by DC Comics / Vertigo; cover-dated Aug 2003
The Filth #12


  • written by Grant Morrison; pencils by Chris Weston; inks by Gary Erskine; edited by Karen Berger

cover by Segura inc.; published by DC Comics / Vertigo; cover-dated Sept 2003

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The Filth #13

“Them Vs. Us”

  • written by Grant Morrison; pencils by Chris Weston; inks by Gary Erskine; edited by Karen Berger

final issue; cover by Segura inc.; published by DC Comics / Vertigo; cover-dated Oct 2003

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The Filth

collects The Filth #1-13; written by Grant Morrison; pencils by Chris Weston; inks by Gary Erskine; edited by Karen Berger; cover by Segura inc.; published by DC Comics / Vertigo; 320 pages; published 2004

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Curing the Postmodern Blues: Reading Grant Morrison and Chris Weston's The Filth in the 21st Century

written by Tom Shapira; pencils by Chris Weston; inks by Gary Erskine; edited by Karen Berger; cover by Kevin Colden; published by Sequart Research & Literacy Organization; 186 pages; softcover; $12.99; published Feb 2013

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