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Your Homework Before Seeing Days of Future Past: Read All New X-Men and Whedon’s Astonishing X-Men

When comic book movies come out, it’s sometimes hard to tell what storylines they’re pulling from. Based on the trailers, X-Men: Days of Future Past focuses on a future where Sentinels have taken over, no… [more]

Review of Wallace Wood’s Cannon

It’s tough to unravel the two big mysteries at the heart of the creation of Cannon, but the strongest clue to solve one of them arrives shortly into the run. Is this wild, macho story… [more]

What Should Be Done with the Mutant Menace? Part 4: The Evolution of Iceman

…continued from yesterday. We’ve been looking at the underlying structure of the X-Men comics: how mutants pose an existential threat to themselves and others, necessitating that they either control themselves (Xavier’s dream) or be controlled (the… [more]

Maps to the Stars, Running to Paradise: Analyzing the Wild Palms Comic

If it’s even remembered at all anymore, Wild Palms is mostly known as the basis for an ABC network miniseries that attempted to combine the surrealism of Twin Peaks with the cyberpunk subculture, with decidedly… [more]

Some Cautious Thoughts on Zach Snyder’s Batman v Superman

Yesterday, Batman v Superman got a subtitle — Dawn of Justice — and began filming. I wrote about the film in a news story, but I thought I’d complement that with a few brief thoughts,… [more]

Why I Dig X-Men: The Last Stand

It’s widely believed that 2006′s X-Men: The Last Stand was a poor ending to the original X-Men trilogy. The film and 2009′s X-Men Origins: Wolverine seem to be regarded as the weak links in the X-Men movie… [more]

Batman v Superman Gets a Full Title, Begins Filming

It’s official: the Man of Steel sequel co-starring Batman will be titled Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. The subtitle clearly suggests that the film will feature the formation of the Justice League — which… [more]

Going Old School: A Review of Nightcrawler #1-2

According to Urban, “old school” is defined as: “Anything that is from an earlier era and looked upon with high regard or respect. Can be used to refer to music, clothing, language, or anything… [more]

What Should Be Done with the Mutant Menace? Part 3: Losing (and Regaining) Control

In Part 1 and Part 2, we’ve seen how Prof. Xavier’s dream for the peaceful coexistence of humans and mutants depends upon mutants being able to control their special powers. To this end, mutants must… [more]

Beneath the Planet of the Apes is Completely Nuts

Beneath the Beneath the Planet of the Apes is essentially an insane metal album turned into a movie, and that’s awesome. [more]

Chris Claremont and Documentary Filmmaking: An Interview with Patrick Meaney

Sequart has a new documentary all about Chris Claremont. We sat down with director Patrick Meaney to talk about comics, filmmaking, and working with Claremont: SEQUART: A lot of the times documentaries get a critical… [more]

Sequart Announces Book on Planet of the Apes Comics

Sequart is proud to announce that it will be publishing The Sacred Scrolls: Comics on the Planet of the Apes, edited by Rich Handley and Joe Berenato. Since the 1970s, the Planet of the Apes franchise… [more]

Kaiju-Sized Review of Godzilla

I was very excited for Gareth Edwards’ Godzilla. This had less to do with the fact that it was a Godzilla film (though I won’t lie and tell you that wasn’t a factor) and more… [more]

What Should Be Done with the Mutant Menace? Part 2: The Need for Self-Control

…continued from yesterday. Given that mutants exist, what is to be done with them? That question drives the narrative of the X-Books. The book’s villains—Dr. Bolivar Trask and his Sentinels, the Genoshan Magistrates, Apocalypse, Mr.… [more]

“Try Telling That to a 23-Year-Old Who Just Wanted to Play with the Toys”: The American Superhero Comics of Mark Millar, Part 19

Continued from last week. That “bloody big shadow” of Alan Moore’s extended far beyond the pages of Swamp Thing. Trying to compete with his achievements on the title was a daunting enough prospect.  But Moore’s… [more]

Claremont’s Days of Future Past: A Story About Kitty Pryde

Unlike many comics fans, I never actually read X-Men as a child all those years ago. In fact, I stayed away from most superhero titles, other than the odd cross-over with Superman and Batman when… [more]

What Should Be Done with the Mutant Menace? Part 1: The Lack of an Ending

A curious yet distinguishing feature of the X-Men family of comics is their lack of an origin story, typically an essential element in superhero comics. Usually, the superhero’s identity and power is formed by a… [more]

Thoughts on Frank Miller’s Creative Evolution

In the original Sin City, Marv is a tired old man. The events of the story turn him into an uncompromising hero, whom you could say is in the ultra-violent, Ayn Rand-inspired mold of some… [more]

Dear X-Men… It’s Not You, It’s Me

I’ve been putting off writing this column for a while now.  When I first heard we were doing an X-Men week here at Sequart, I wasn’t too worried.  After all, I’ve got a shelf full… [more]

Godzilla’s a Hit

Godzilla had an estimated $93.2-million opening weekend, domestically. That’s more than Amazing Spider-Man 2 ($91.6 million) and just under Captain America: The Winter Soldier ($95 million). That puts Godzilla is serious blockbuster territory. Godzilla has… [more]

Orson Welles’ Othello: A True Masterpiece

Orson Welles’ Othello, now doing a victory lap around the world in a “restored” version, is one of the boldest and most singular of all the adaptations of Shakespeare to reach the movie screen. I… [more]

It’s X-Men Week on Sequart!

In celebration of the release of X-Men: Days of Future Past, Sequart will be publishing content related to the X-Men all this week. X-Men Week is Sequart’s eighth themed week. Past themed weeks here at… [more]

Buffy: Tentacles and a Thricewise

We are almost back to the main storyline of Buffy Season 8. Just some catching up to do with Faith and Giles, and dealing with Dawn’s boyfriend issues to get through, first. Issue, #24, “Safe”,… [more]

It’s a Hard Life Out There for a Fan

Tellingly, I was going to title this article, ‘It’s a Hard Life Out There for a Lady Fan’. But then I realised, that’s stupid. There are men, there are ladies, and then there are fans,… [more]

The Genius of Arrested Development, Season 4 (Part 2)

Yesterday, I discussed the remarkable fourth season of Arrested Development — without any major spoilers. Today, we’ll look at some episodes and themes in more detail — with plenty of spoilers. It’s surprising how well… [more]