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“The Characters Remain Unaware of My Scrutiny, but Their Thoughts are Transparent”: The Multiversity: Pax Americana #1

Whether he explicitly stated it or not Pax Americana is to be Grant Morrison’s Watchmen Redux. Of course it is so much more than this as well. During the initial drafting of this article Pax… [more]

Smorgasbord #7: Rats, Ducks, and Angry Birds

In this episode, Shawn and Tom cover a rather large bunch of news including Roc Upchurch’s removal from Rat Queens, the new Howard the Duck title (and whether or not Steve Gerber is spinning in his grave),… [more]

Grant Morrison, Watchmen, and the Art of the Polemic

In order to criticize a movie, you have to make another movie. —Jean-Luc Godard A few years ago I stopped reading monthly comic books.  It wasn’t an ideological decision—just a reader’s.  Most of the comics… [more]

Twisted Dark #1: A Long Days Journey Into Personal Hells

Twisted Dark is a haunting collection of 12 stories, all with a spin on darker subjects.  No super powers.  No aliens.  No trans-dimensional beings.  Neil Gibson and the artists (each story has a different artist)… [more]

Review: OUTRÉ #3 – Xenophobia

Recently, I finished a new indie anthology called Outre. This anthology is unique in structure as it doesn’t focus on genre, but on theme. The issue I read was #3 and its theme was xenophobia.… [more]

Our Feature Presentation: How Superhero Films Have Changed Trailers

What’s the perfect kind of pleasure? Oscar Wilde quipped that a cigarette is most exquisite due to its leaving one unsatisfied afterwards. The having of it immediately leads to wanting another. Now Hollywood has taken… [more]

John Scalzi’s Lock In: Fifty Pounds of Story in a Twenty-Pound Sack

Lock In, the new science fiction novel by Hugo winner John Scalzi, boasts the density of a red dwarf. It’s a hardboiled detective novel, and a surprisingly plausible “future history,” and an exploration of identity… [more]

Is It Time To Retire The Concept Of “Spoiler”?

As part of my continuing series addressing important questions in modern geek culture, this time I’m going to discuss the concept of the “spoiler”. There’s a rumour, or at least a legend, that Herman Mankiewicz,… [more]

I, Claudius: A Touch of Murder Review

In the early half of the Twentieth Century Robert Graves was translating Suetonius masterpiece The Twelve Caesars to English. As he was translating the life of Claudius, he felt that there was far more to… [more]

Sifting Through the Ashes: Analyzing Hellblazer, Part 6

Issue #7 “Ghosts in the Machine” Writter: Jamie Delano Artist: John Ridgeway, Brett Ewins and Jim McCarthy Colorist: Lovern Kindzierski Letterer:Todd Klein At this point in Hellblazer, the series has featured many things associated with… [more]

Why I Am Thankful: How Sequart Has Changed My Life

I’ve played a large role in discouraging personal writing in posts on Sequart in the past months, only because how we feel and who we are intrudes on objective analysis of a text or work.… [more]

Giving Thanks

I’m not one for turkey, mashed potatoes, and stuffing. I’m more a vindaloo guy. But I like the ritual of giving thanks. And on this Thanksgiving, I’d like most of all to thank you, Sequart’s… [more]

The Super-Heroics of Frank Miller and Alan Moore, Part 4

Late ‘90s to ‘00s Superhero Work In the middle of the 1990s Alan Moore did something that confounded everyone, he agreed to work with Rob Liefeld. Liefeld was a bold creator and entrepreneur and his… [more]

Arrow Season 3 Episode 7 Review

This week’s installment of Arrow goes all in on the series’ romantic couplings and complications and it’s readily apparent from the word go that this is not particularly fruitful ground for the show. Many of… [more]

Oh, My Aching Cranium!: Jack Kirby’s OMAC Deconstructed And Reconstructed, Part Nine

Immortality. It’s the big enchilada, isn’t it? The whole ball of wax. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The one thing that will probably be forever out of our grasp. And… [more]

Greenpoint of View: A Top-Notch Autobiographical Comic

One of the most interesting genres within the diverse world of comics is the autobiographical comic. Pioneered by the legendary Harvey Pekar and others, these comics are a fascinating application of the comics medium to… [more]

True Detective and Breaking the Hard-Boiled Code

Of all the genres used in True Detective, hard boiled detective fiction is the most easily recognizable. Detectives Marty Hart and Rust Cohle have front row seats to the graphic violence and systemic corruption in… [more]

Clips from the She Makes Comics World Premiere Event

On 15 November, 2014, Respect Films and Sequart hosted the world premiere of She Makes Comics at Brave New World Comics in Santa Clarita, CA. We screened the documentary for over one hundred attendees and held… [more]

“New Paradigms for the Super Hero Team Structure?”: On Skrull Kill Krew #1-5 (The American Superhero Comics of Mark Millar, Part 45)

Continued from last week. No-one could accuse Morrison of being blind to Skrull Kill Krew’s satirical potential. In 1995, he spoke enthusiastically of the book’s capacity to discuss the likes of “catastrophy in the 20th… [more]

AMC’s Comic Book Men: Is This True Representation?

We need to have a conversation about geek culture. Sorry to put it that way, but I’m sure many would agree that modern geek culture has reached new heights of mainstream popularity, and we need… [more]

Religion, Ethnicity, and Marxism in the Films of Sergio Leone

Children are gunned down in the street and in their homes. Women are forced into slavery, beaten, and raped. Men are slowly, methodically tortured. Lifelong friends casually – and sometimes inexplicably – betray one another.… [more]

Confessions of a Paranoid Humanities Scholar: On Big Hero 6 and Interstellar

A couple of weeks ago I parked next to an SUV covered in decals all warning about the coming “zombie apocalypse.”  I chuckled, largely because I’ve never had a moment’s worry about zombies.  But there… [more]

Review of Flaming Lips’ Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots

Many devout Flaming Lips fans might be already finding themselves casting doleful glances towards the cheeky antics of the group’s earlier albums, before the time of heated disagreements and middle-age-crisis tomfoolery from the band’s maverick… [more]

The Flash Season 1 Episode 6 Review

The moments that work in “The Flash is Born” mostly occur around the edges of the central plot. The main focus of the episode isn’t a total bust, but it is pretty standard material featuring… [more]

Before The Clone Wars, There were… Clone Wars?

I’m not usually one to pride myself one way or another on public opinion, but when it comes to the Star Wars Prequels I make no bones about my agreement with the masses about it:… [more]