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David Mack’s Echo, the Blueprint for the 21st-Century Individual

Allan Bloom’s The Closing of the American Mind is a “meditation on the state of our souls, particularly those of the young and their education” (Bloom 19).

Seduction of the Insolent (or, Retraction of the Innocent)

Know thy enemy. It is a long-standing idiom and one that is well-practiced by mainstream comics, most specifically the super-hero genre.

The Elements of Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman may be recognizable and a positive female role-model, but ultimately, the average person knows nothing about her. David E. Kelley hopes to change that.

Moms in Ovens: Why Comic Books Hate Parents

You’ve witnessed this origin story a million times and across all mediums; protagonist seems to have potential, but it’s the death of a parental figure that spurs protagonist to becoming the hero that he /… [more]

Diagram for Delinquents, the Documentary Film on Fredric Wertham

Sequart is proud to announce a documentary film about the most hated man in comics history: psychiatrist Fredric Wertham.

Chief Concerns

Back in October 2010, Scipio of the Absorbascon wrote an impassioned salute to the character Niles Caulder (a.k.a. “The Chief”) of the 1960s comic Doom Patrol by Arnold Drake and Bruno Premiani. As a longtime… [more]

The Magic Behind Batman, Inc.

When Grant Morrison announced his next major arc within the Batman universe, some readers were confused as to why Morrison would have Batman create a corporation of crime fighters. I had known about Batman, Inc.… [more]

Kick-Ass: The Comic in Retrospect

The movie version of Kick-Ass received so much press attention that the comic can feel like a footnote. Because the movie was optioned and produced before the series was even complete, it’s easy to feel… [more]

The God of Preacher

The Christians I dissociate myself from are the ones usually found in films like Saved! or in comics like American Virgin:  generally linked with sexism, homophobia, racism, fundamentalism, and conservative political views.

Cover Released for Shot in the Face

We’re pleased to release the cover art for Shot in the Face:  A Savage Journey to the Heart of Transmetropolitan, scheduled for a late 2011 release.

Comics, Continuity, and Complexity

Recently, I caught up on Warren Ellis’s Nextwave and Geoff Johns’s recent Green Lantern run through Blackest Night. The two works are polar opposites in terms of approaches to comics; one a continuity-laden, multi-year saga… [more]

Cover Released for Keeping the World Strange

We’re pleased to release the cover art for Keeping the World Strange: A Planetary Guide, scheduled for May 2011 release.

On Digital Comics and the Need for Marketing

Recently, Ron Marz started a bi-weekly column over at Comic Book Resources titled “Shelf Life,” and his December 30th column got people talking.

From the Deck of the Black Freighter

My wife outright refuses to read the Black Freighter portions of Watchmen. Every time I press her on the issue, she complains, “They’re boring! I don’t want to read about pirates!”

2011: The Year of Ellis

Here at Sequart, 2011 is the Year of Ellis — as in celebrated comics writer Warren Ellis. Throughout the year, we’ll be offering three books and a documentary film on Ellis, exploring his major works, his… [more]

Why the World Needs a Superman

A professor at my school has started buying comics for his son, and he asked me to suggest some titles. He had purchased a few issues of Morrison’s Batman and a few of Levitz’s new Legion… [more]

Welcome to the New Sequart!

You may have noticed that, as of a few days ago, our site has been redesigned, including the addition of a couple of new books. Now, we’re rolling out new online content for the first… [more]

Site Back Up (in Stripped-Down Form)

After a long delay, has returned in a stripped-down form focusing on our line of books and movies, including the upcoming documentary Grant Morrison: Talking with Gods. We’re sorry that our archives, including thousands… [more] Down has experienced a loss of service due to a server-related issue. Our webhost migrated the site from one server to another, and it turned out that the complex site simply didn’t work on the… [more]

All-Stars: How does the Miller / Lee Batman stack up to the Morrison / Quitely Superman?

Once upon a time, Tim Callahan and Chad Nevett completely disagreed about some comics. This is that time. Tim Callahan: So All-Star Superman #12 finally came out, and I wrote about the whole series at… [more]

Come to the Baltimore Comic-Con and Pitch Your Book to Sequart

Want to hang out with comic book royalty? Well, you can meet up with Sequart’s Mike Phillips at the Baltimore Comic-Con to discuss how cool that would be. But seriously folks, as you may know,… [more]

The Peter David Factor: Part 16

X-Factor #85 (Dec. 1992) — Snikts and Bones — This issue continues X-Factor’s part (Part 6) of the multi-part crossover known as X-Cutioner’s Song. Since last issue, Apocalypse has fought and escaped the X-Men, Cannonball… [more]

Teenagers from the Future Now Available

Teenagers from the Future: Essays on the Legion of Super-Heroes is now available from Sequart Research & Literacy Organization.

On the Anthology Format

Tim Callahan’s recent “When Worlds Collide” column has me thinking about anthologies.

On the Demise of HBO’s Preacher

The live-action HBO series adapting Preacher is apparently dead.