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A “Redundant” Justice League: An Analysis of DC’s New 52 in Light of Umberto Eco’s Theory of Narrative Redundancy

It can be argued that Justice League, the flagship title of DC’s “New 52,” is predominantly a narrative of images.

The Evolving Symmetry of Locke and Key

If there is one thing just brutally asymmetrical to the series Locke and Key is how overwhelmingly overlooked it is.

Sequart Announces Next Documentary, The Image Revolution

We are proud to announce our upcoming documentary about the history of Image Comics!

Has Sequart’s Resident Marxist Lost His Mind?

I won’t name any names, but I once worked at a major retail chain where people would Stop to buy a video Game.

On Seth’s It’s a Good Life, if You Don’t Weaken

Please be warned: spoilers ahoy!

“The Yesterday Gambit,” Part 2

We’ve introduced Alan Moore’s Miracleman interlude from Warrior #4, “The Yesterday Gambit”, and examined its first segment. We now turn to its second segment, illustrated by Paul Neary, in which Miracleman and Warpsmith revisit the 1963… [more]

Chronicle Reaction

I’ve just returned from watching the new film Chronicle, a superhero found footage movie from director Josh Trank and writer Max Landis.

Habibi: Open Dialogues with Difficult Literature

My first impression upon picking up my copy of Craig Thompson’s latest work, Habibi, was one of both excitement and trepidation.

Deconstructing Batman and Robin: Damian’s Transformation (Part 3)

While Damian’s name can be interpreted as “to tame,” it can also be interpreted as “to conquer,” which seems to be Talia’s reasoning for his name when she says in issue #7, “Damian will stride… [more]

On Steve Gerber and Gene Colan’s Howard the Duck Story, “The Night After You Save the Universe?”

Violence is generally presented as a solution to problems in comics, because, being the illustrated form they are, they tend to over-simply, reduce everything to its most basic.

“The Yesterday Gambit,” Part 1

We began discussion of “The Yesterday Gambit” last time, having previously introduced Miracleman and discussed its first, second, and third chapters. We now turn to the story of Alan Moore’s “The Yesterday Gambit,” from Warrior #4.

Marvel’s Spirit of Vengeance

A few days ago I donated some money to Gary Friedrich, the co-creator of Ghost Rider, one of Marvel Entertainment’s most popular properties.

Consumption Junction

Human activity is not entirely reducible to processes of production and conservation, and consumption must be divided into two distinct parts. The first reducible part is represented by the use of the minimum necessary for… [more]

Deconstructing Batman and Robin: Damian’s Transformation (Part 2)

While Dick Grayson’s growth as Batman is certainly one way of interpreting Batman and Robin, one shouldn’t forget the “Robin” part of the title.

On Mister Wonderful, by Daniel Clowes

Please be warned; this second Valentine’s Day piece contains very significant spoilers!

“The Yesterday Gambit” (A Miracleman Interlude)

We’ve introduced Miracleman and discussed its first, second, and third chapters. We now turn to the famous “The Yesterday Gambit,” from Warrior #4.

Realism and the Art of Action

Sequential art is a purely visual medium, one that relies on the combination of words and pictures in order to give the illusion of animation and sound.

Meeting with Bosses Old and New

[Marshall] Field asked, “What do you want?” [Milton] Caniff didn’t even have to hesitate. “I told him full ownership [of Steve Canyon] and full editorial control.” – “Setting the Stage,” by Chris Jenson in Steve… [more]

Deconstructing Batman and Robin: Damian’s Transformation (Part 1)

The very idea of Batman having a son was criticized before Damian ever made his first appearance.

On Bill Finger and Wayne Boring’s “The Girl in Superman’s Past”

It’s hard to tell at first from looking that the Clark Kent of 1959’s “The Girl In Superman’s Past” is desperately in love.

Miracleman, Chapter 3 Concludes

We’ve introduced Miracleman and discussed its first and second chapters, plus most of the third (part one, part two). We now conclude our look at this third chapter of Alan Moore and Garry Leach’s Miracleman… [more]

When Adrian Veidt Owns Shakespeare: Why I’m Against Before Watchmen

DC Comics recently officially announced that it would be reviving the characters from Alan Moore and Dave Gibbon’s revered graphic novel, Watchmen, for a slew of prequel spin-off comics. In my opinion, these prequels are… [more]

Why Batman Isn’t a Wingnut

Recently, a friend of mine clicked on a Batman-related TV show clip that found its way to the front page of Reddit.

The Power Ring and the Comic Book (Part 4)

In part 1 of this series I wrote: When DC Comics issued their refurbished versions of such characters as the Flash and Green Lantern, the heroes still fought assorted “done-in-one-story” menaces while the narratives remained… [more]

Deconstructing Batman and Robin: The Grayson Foils, Part 3

The first six issues of Grant Morrison’s Batman and Robin expertly put Dick Grayson in a position that readers weren’t used to seeing him in – one of vulnerability.