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My Introduction to Manga, Part 2: A Mechanical Emerson for the Future in Urasawa’s Pluto

In 1942, Isaac Asimov introduced the world to the three laws of robotics and, in doing so, set the stage that later science fiction writers interested in writing about robots would have to cross.

Meet the Magus, Part 2: The Universal Dance in Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell’s Snakes and Ladders

When we discuss the relationship between Alan Moore’s artistic works and magic, clearly marked boundaries become, instead, borderlands of relationship.

On Planetary #3, by Warren Ellis and John Cassaday

“After this, there’s nothing,” explains the ghost of the murdered Hong Kong cop. There is, he assures Planetary’s “mystery archaeologists,” no afterlife awaiting them, or indeed anyone else, when death arrives. Something has brought the… [more]

Miracleman, Chapter 6 Concludes

We’ve previously begun discussion of chapter six of Alan Moore’s Miracleman and continued through page five. We now conclude discussion of this pivotal chapter.

The Venom Formula

If there’s one character who is constantly in need of a makeover, it’s Venom.

Grant Morrison: The Day-Glo Years

I’ve spent a lot of time over the past few years writing about Grant Morrison, talking about Grant Morrison, and making a film about Grant Morrison, and it’s now time to continue that work with… [more]

My Introduction to Manga, Part 1: Suppli Takes on Batman and Loses. By a Landslide.

Like many Western comic fans of a certain age (which will go unmentioned), I have had little exposure to manga and anime.

On Spandex: Fast and Hard by Martin Eden

If 2012′s sales figures are to be trusted, today’s hardcore super-hero fans are predominantly reactionary creatures.

Miracleman, Chapter 6: “Investigation” and “Deduction”

We’ve previously begun discussion of chapter six of Alan Moore’s Miracleman and gotten through page three. We now continue discussion of this pivotal chapter.

The Avengers Versus the Space Lizard Conspiracy

May 4th was Avengers day here in the states, and I actually managed to see the film three times in the first 24 hours of its release.

Kafka and The Bunny Suicides

During the last week of December, savvy shoppers are aware of the 50% discount on new calendars for the upcoming year.

Meet the Magus, Part 1: The Birth Caul

Allow me to introduce you to a man you may have met before through his writing, art, or interviews.

On Adventure Comics #332, by Edmond Hamilton and John Forte (1965)

The received wisdom has it that the future world of the Legion Of Super-Heroes was originally an inspiringly optimistic, comfortingly cosy, super-scientific utopia.

Miracleman, Chapter 6, Page 3: “Reflections” of Kid Miracleman

We’ve previously begun discussion of chapter six of Alan Moore’s Miracleman, which originally appeared in the classic British magazine Warrior. We continue that discussion today.

Soul Silver Surfer

After my recent column about Galactus, I’ve had an urge to rediscover a character that I’ve never really given enough attention to: Norrin Radd, the Silver Surfer.

Black Hole… Where Everyone is Welcome!

Charles Burns’s Black Hole starts off like so many other bildungsroman stories before it: girl and boy meet, girl and boy fall in love, girl and boy experience sex together for the first time, girl discovers… [more]

Deconstructing Batman & Robin: A Game of Villainy, Part 7

I’m sitting at a little coffee shop in Springfield, Missouri, called the Brown Egg with my comics spread out on the table. As the waitress delivers my pancakes, she remarks, “That looks really cool,” as… [more]

On Boys’ Ranch #1-3, by Jack Kirby and Joe Simon (1950)

In his Art of the Comic Book, R. C. Harvey offers Boys’ Ranch as an example of Jack Kirby having elevated comics into an “art form.”

Miracleman, Chapter 6: “Secret Identity”

Having introduced Miracleman and discussed chapters one, two, three, four, and five, as well as the interlude “The Yesterday Gambit,” we now turn to chapter six of Alan Moore’s Miracleman, which originally appeared in the classic… [more]

Comic Book Dads

Yesterday, my friends Wes and Andrea welcomed into the world their beautiful new daughter, Annabelle Fay. I was there along with members of their family to accompany them on their big day, and even though… [more]

The Spectator Left: Self-Disgust and Self-Mockery in Brian Wood’s Channel Zero and The Couriers

As Brian Wood branches out into more mainstream work with Conan the Barbarian and X-Men, it’s important to peer back to his formative days.

Deconstructing Batman & Robin: A Game of Villainy, Part 6

While R.I.P. could be argued to be a game of chess between Batman and Dr. Hurt, the game of dominoes is at the forefront of Batman & Robin.

On The Zaucer of Zilk, by Al Ewing and Brendan McCarthy

NB: The Zaucer of Zilk is currently being serialised in 2000AD, so please be aware of oncoming spoilers as well as the likelihood that most if not all of my presumptions are entirely misplaced.

On Body Typing in Comics: What We’re Not Saying and Why It Matters

This is not an essay I wanted to write. Doing so, I’m conscious of wading into waters famous for their landmines. This is at least the sixth full draft of this essay. Most of the… [more]

Galactus: Meditations on a World-Eater

The Uncreator. The Universal Endbringer. The Anti-God. Gah. Lak. Tus.