Sequart Content Tagged:
Neil Gaiman
Magazine content related to Neil Gaiman (page 1 of 4)
There is Punk and Heart in How To Talk To Girls At Parties
I’d read Neil Gaiman’s short story “How to Talk to Girls at Parties” a long time ago now, back in 2006 when it had been published in Fragile Things. It’s hard for me to remember… [more]
Two Sequart Products Spotlighting Comics History
Most Sequart books and movies address some aspect of comics history, but the two releases below are especially designed to investigate and further our understanding of the history of this medium we love. The British… [more]
The Classical Roots of Wonder Woman and Sandman
Note: Here I am primarily concerned with George Perez’s run as writer-artist, issues 1-25 Neil Gaiman likes to wear his influences on his sleeves. Every issue of Sandman has more than enough references to classic… [more]
Neil Gaiman: Dream Dangerously Now Available on STARZ On Demand
Sequart Organization and Respect Films are proud to announce that Neil Gaiman: Dream Dangerously is now available to watch on STARZ On Demand. (Once you’ve gotten your fill of STARZ’s American Gods, watch the documentary… [more]
When Shadow Returns: Neil Gaiman’s American Gods
For a while, I thought I had a horrible feeling why Shadow left America. If you don’t want any spoilers for either the book or the upcoming television series, please read no further. If not,… [more]
AARGH! RESIST! A Retrospective and a Prelude
In my four-part article Not By Something As Accidental as Blood: Bash Back, my research into Lawrence Gullo, Fyodor Pavlov, and Kelsey Hercs’ work took me to places I hadn’t gone before while, in other… [more]
The British Invasion in Current Previews Catalog
If you like to make all of your hard-copy purchases through your Local Comics Shop, and you want The British Invasion: Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman, Grant Morrison, and the Invention of the Modern Comic Book Writer… [more]
Neil Gaiman Defines the Spawnverse: Writers Writing Spawn, Part 2
Neil Gaiman decided to write an issue of Spawn. This single issue created plot-threads, new characters and a legal battle that none could ever believe. [more]
Sequart Releases The British Invasion
Sequart Organization is proud to announce the publication of The British Invasion: Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman, Grant Morrison, and the Invention of the Modern Comic Book Writer, by Greg Carpenter. Moore. Gaiman. Morrison. They came from… [more]
Neil Gaiman: Dream Dangerously is Now Available on Vimeo for Streaming Pre-Order
Sequart Organization and Respect Films are proud to announce that their newest documentary, Neil Gaiman: Dream Dangerously, has been picked up by Vimeo. The film is now available for pre-order and will be released on… [more]
Finance and Comics: Why the World of Trades, Stocks, and Financial Analysis can be a Suitable Genre in Comics
The realm of comics is filled with many genres, with the notables ranging from the traditional superhero, to the macabre-based horror, hard-boiled crime, sensational mysteries, classic sci-fi, fantasy, and the occasional emergence of erotica and… [more]
Tiptoeing Through the Tulips with Neil Gaiman
While some of the points Gaiman makes in his “Tulip Speech” are less relevant than they were in the early ‘90s, his overall prescription for saving the industry is as simple and true today as ever. [more]
The War Against Caption Boxes
Lately I’ve been catching up on some contemporary titles, some of which are produced by my favorite writers in the field, and I’m actually finding plenty of things not to enjoy about them, which doesn’t… [more]
A Sandman Miscellany: Sandman Overture #5 Review
One of the difficult aspects of reviewing Neil Gaiman’s bookend of his long developed Sandman conceptual universe is making heads and tails of the myriad pathways that intertwine in the grand narrative. [more]
Five Reasons Why Comics Scholarship is Important
Before getting into comics, I had no idea where to start, or how to approach comics as a body of work. Over the course of several decades comics have diversified into a multi-headed beast. There… [more]
Sifting Through the Ashes: Analyzing Hellblazer, Part 24
Issue #28 “Thicker Than Water” Writer: Jamie Delano Art: Ron Tiner & Kevin Walker Colors: Tom Zuiko Letters: Gaspar Saladino Cover: Kent Williams Following the brief tenure of Grant Morrison and Neil Gaiman on the… [more]
Sifting Through the Ashes: Analyzing Hellblazer, Part 23
Issue 27 “Hold Me” Writer: Neil Gaiman Art & Cover: Dave McKean Colors: Dave McKean & Danny Vizzo Letters: Todd Klein Following Grant Morrison’s two part tale of nuclear terror, is arguably one of the… [more]
Sifting Through the Ashes: Analyzing Hellblazer, Part 22
Issue 25 “Early Warning” Writer: Grant Morrison Art, Colors, & Cover: David Lloyd Letters: Tom Frame As stated before, over the 300 issue run Hellblazer would be written by many of the comic industry’s biggest… [more]
Sifting Through the Ashes: Analyzing Hellblazer, Part 19
Issue #21 “The God of All Gods” Writer: Jamie Delano Art: Mark Buckingham, Alfredo Alcala Colors: Lovern Kindzierski Letters: Elitta Fell Cover: Dave McKean Continuing directly from the previous issue, “The God of All Gods”… [more]
On Internet Outrage and Choosing Not to “Bite the Hook”
Last Monday, The Guardian published a piece on contemporary comics that asked the question, “When did the comic-book universe become so banal?” It was written by an art critic and former comic book reader who… [more]
Portraits In Alienated British Youth Circa 1989-90, Part Two: Trident Makes Its Mark—But Ultimately Gets Speared
In August of 1989, a modest little anthology series with some serious “A-list” talent appeared on British comic store shelves and, presumably, at a few newsstands (or newsagents, as they’re called across the pond) as… [more]
A Sandman Miscellany: Sandman Overture #4 Review
Written by: Neil Gaiman Art by: J.H. Williams, III Cover by: J.H. Williams, III Dave McKean Variant Cover by: J.H. Williams, III Dave McKean The long awaited Sandman Overture #4 has arrived, just in time… [more]
Brian’s Comic Book Grab Bag: Firestorm Volume 2 #95
This Christmas my brother gave me a booster pack of random, non-sequential issues from a variety of popular comic book titles that syndicated in the late eighties to mid nineties. The nineties was a time… [more]
A Sandman Miscellany: Sandman Overture #3 Review
Written by: Neil Gaiman Art by: J.H. Williams, III Cover by: J.H. Williams, III Dave McKean Variant Cover by: J.H. Williams, III Dave McKean Since its genesis in the long distant past of December 2013,… [more]
Completing the Trilogy: Neil Gaiman’s The Ocean at the End of the Lane
I’ve never been much of a summer person. I can barely swim, don’t really enjoy the beach, and hate hot weather. But something about summer clicked for me this year. Even though we weren’t able… [more]