“All that Glisters” -- 22 pages
- written by John Byrne
- pencils by John Byrne
- inks by John Byrne and Keith Williams
- Superman meets Batman for the third time (refers to their second meeting in Action Comics Annual #1 as “recent”)
- Superman gives Batman the scrapbook from Superman Vol. 2 #9 (a plotline resolved in Adventures of Superman #440)
- Booster Gold takes Superman to task for invading Qurac (in Adventures of Superman #427, said to occur “several weeks ago”)
- as Booster Gold and Superman fight, a second Booster Gold appears
- refers to Superman’s appearance in Booster Gold Vol. 1 #7
- features Perry White at work (without reference to his brief leave of absence begun in Adventures of Superman #434, published a week or two before)
- continues into Booster Gold Vol. 1 #23
See It in Context on the Continuity Pages:
Post-Crisis Superman: John Byrne Era (1986-1988)
In 1986, in the wake of Crisis on Infinite Earths, DC chose John Byrne to helm the reboot of the Superman titles. Byrne was the popular artist of Marvel’s The Uncanny X-Men, which he had often… [more]