Mike Greear
The War Against Caption Boxes
Lately I’ve been catching up on some contemporary titles, some of which are produced by my favorite writers in the field, and I’m actually finding plenty of things not to enjoy about them, which doesn’t… [more]
Don’t Send in the Clowns: Jared Leto Isn’t Cool Enough to Be Joker
Remember when The Joker was cool? Do you remember how gratifying it would always be to see him reimagined for a new video game or cartoon? Or better yet, to see him re-adapted for another… [more]
Review of Alan Moore’s Jimmy’s End
I honestly don’t even know where to start with this one. How do you review anything by Alan Moore, much less a short film he’s written? The guy’s a genius. I’m not simply saying that… [more]
Building an Altar to the Super-Hero Holy Trinity
As I was reading Lance Parkin’s Magic Words, a biography of Alan Moore, I looked to my right at the nightstand against my wall and came to the realization that it is, in fact, an altar.… [more]
Beware the Batman Episode 6 Review
While previous episodes of Beware the Batman delighted in giving us revamped or updated versions of Batman’s lesser-known villains, episode 6 instead gives us a new look at one of his lesser-known allies. In Toxic,… [more]
Beware the Batman Episode 5 Review
After a short string of episodes that left me grossly underwhelmed, Beware the Batman bounces back with an episode that has revived my interest in the series. Broken, the fifth episode in the series, returns… [more]
Lights Go Out on Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark
Saturday, January 4, saw the last ever Broadway performance of Julie Taymor’s calamitous superhero musical, Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark. I’m a huge Spidey fan (who isn’t?), so I’ve been curious to see the play… [more]
Beware the Batman Episode 4 Review
The fourth episode of Beware the Batman opens up with a very interesting assertion of superhero ethics. Just as Katana, Bruce Wayne’s chauffeur and bodyguard, is about to plunge her sword right into the face… [more]
Beware the Batman Episode 3 Review
So I’m three episodes into this show and I’m just now finding out that Tatsu Yamashiro, who Alfred has put forth as Bruce Wayne’s new bodyguard, is actually the DC Comics character Katana. And to… [more]
Beware the Batman Episode 2 Review
A few weeks ago, I weighed in on the first episode of Beware the Batman, the Batman franchise’s current animated iteration. The new series features a younger Bruce Wayne entering into his crime-fighting career with… [more]
Beware the Batman Episode 1 Review
As much as I love Batman, I’ve always found it a bit hard to keep up with his various animated adventures. I mean, I grew up with the Bruce Timm and Paul Dini animated series,… [more]
The Wolverine is a Cut Above the Rest
(Sorry about the headline. Low-hanging fruit.) A few months ago I sort of picked apart the trailer for The Wolverine and voiced my disappointment in the direction that they’d seemingly taken the movie in. I… [more]
What it Means to Take Superheroes Seriously
It’s been a few weeks now, and I think that maybe, just maybe, comic book fandom is ready to talk about something else besides Man of Steel. Maybe. As expected, the movie turned out to be… [more]
Why Can’t Spider-Man Swing Both Ways?
Recently, Entertainment Weekly ran a piece in which Amazing Spider-Man 2 star Andrew Garfield questioned why his character, Peter Parker, couldn’t be rewritten as being gay in the upcoming film. Garfield, who last played Parker/Spidey… [more]
The Man of Steel Lacks Heart, Brain, Courage
It’s been two days since I saw Man of Steel and I haven’t stopped talking about it. Wait, let me revise that. It’s been two days since I saw Man of Steel and I haven’t… [more]
5 Things I Hope Man of Steel Takes from Superman: Birthright
Zack Snyder’s new Superman reboot flick, Man of Steel, is a mere two weeks away at this point, and here in New York City, us city folk have been treated to a new Gillette promotional… [more]
Review of Nightly News
When I was in college, I was a big Warren Ellis fan and my favorite comic was his Vertigo series, Transmetropolitan. That comic made me want to become a journalist. The story’s main character, Spider… [more]
Where Did All the Science Fiction Go?
In the interest of participating in Sequart’s special look at the genre of science-fiction, I’ve volunteered to devote this column entirely to that genre of storytelling, rather than to the usual 1,500 word ramblings about… [more]
John Harrison is the New Joker
I just got back from watching the brand new installment of J.J. Abrams’ reboot of the Star Trek film franchise, Star Trek into Darkness. Without going into a full-scale review, I would say that this… [more]
Bridging the Gap Between Comics and Video Games
I don’t remember the last time I bought a video game. Full disclosure. I am not the biggest video game fan on the face of the Earth. My comic book nerdiness does not extend into… [more]
Is a Supervillain Always Evil?
At the time of writing this piece, I have not yet seen Iron Man 3. It’s Wednesday right now, and I just bought my ticket for a 7 p.m. screening of the film on Saturday.… [more]
Vaughn and Martin Unleash The Private Eye
A few weeks ago I talked a little bit about the new book that Brian K. Vaughan is working on, Saga, a planetary romance that he co-created with the brilliant Fiona Staples. Saga was one… [more]
My Best Guess for How to Live Life as a Super-Hero
As I write this, the authorities are still pursuing the perpetrators of the April 15 bombing of the Boston Marathon, although it looks like we might not have to wait much longer to see them… [more]
What Damian Wayne Says about Adult Comic Fans
A few days ago, one of my friends from work was telling me about a particularly attractive girl that he knew from his other job. I know, this isn’t a terribly interesting way to start… [more]
Maybe My Grandkids Will Get a Decent Wolverine Movie
How hard can it be to get a Wolverine movie right? I mean “right” as in a movie that understands what has made the character a fan favorite for the last two or three decades… [more]
Demo Volume 1 Review
The first volume of Demo was an impulse buy for me. I knew nothing about it, although the cover image of a red and pink punk rock couple lost in a sea of dour, grey… [more]
Marvel NOW! Vs. DC’s New 52
A few weeks ago, back when I started talking about my favorite comics of 2012, I mentioned that I kinda stopped following DC Comics at some point late last year. I said that between the… [more]
Mike’s Favorite Comics of 2012 (Part 3)
We’re now up to the third and final title in my list of Favorite Comics of 2012. It’s a title that first caught my eye early last year when a promotional image for the comic… [more]
Mike’s Favorite Comics of 2012 (Part 2)
For me, 2012 was when I finally started taking some chances on creator-owned books. Before, it was always just a matter of following my favorite writers from the Big Two over into a more open,… [more]
Mike’s Favorite Comics of 2012 (Part 1)
With the turn of the New Year, I’ve decided to do a short series of articles looking back at last year’s titles and spotlighting my three favorites. They’re all books that were started last year,… [more]
Critiquing the Superior Spider-Man Design
While we’re on the subject of Spider-Man character designs and concepts, let’s talk about this Superior Spider-Man thing for a second. This is the Marvel NOW! refresh of the Spider-Man line, which switched from Amazing… [more]
A New Look for Doc Ock and Gobby
For the most part, I’m not a very big fan of the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon series.
Bringing Superman Out of the Dark
Last week, I called DC a bunch of tone-deaf morons (or something along those lines) and said that they need to lighten up in their approach to super-hero cinema.
No John Blake for Justice League, Please
A few days ago, some friends and I were embroiled in a discussion about the rumors surrounding the new Justice League movie. This is the film that Warner Bros. and DC have been talking about… [more]
Galacta: Daughter of the Anti-God
Yes, I love Galactus. We all love Galactus.
Jamie Foxx, Electro
I know I’m a little late piping up about this, but there’ve been some major shake-ups on the Spider-Man movie front.
Superheroes Emerge in the Face of Sandy
The obvious choice for me this week, in my unending and inane quest to compare everything that happens in my life or in my brain to something I’ve seen happen in a comic, would be… [more]
Critiquing the Robins of the New 52
It’s Saturday, Halloween weekend in New York City, and I’ve elected to stay inside all day and write about super-heroes.
The Trouble With a Mask
“The trouble with a mask is it never changes.” – Charles Bukowski
Young Romance
If there’s been one thing on my mind lately, it’s love.
I Don’t Want to Grow Up
Does being a fan of superhero comics at 28 years old make me immature and ill-prepared for the world ahead of me?
Fashion Parasite
As I write this, it is Fashion Week in New York City, and since I don’t have the money or the credentials to get into any of the big runway shows, I figure I’d bring… [more]
Rippers and Republicans
A few weeks ago, I was reading back over Alan Moore’s seminal take on the story of Jack the Ripper, the telephone book-size graphic novel, From Hell, when an odd news story came at me… [more]
Bill Finger, Batman, and the Future of America
New York City, 1938. A young cartoonist named Bob Kane is attending a party where he serendipitously crosses paths with a fellow Dewitt Clinton High School alumni by the name of Bill Finger. Kane had… [more]
Why We Still Need Heroes
I am not sure how I stumbled across it, as I was so appalled by its content that I chose to quickly navigate away from it in disgust
No One Cared About Me Until I Put on a Mask
The Dark Knight Rises is not the conclusion to the Dark Knight Trilogy that we deserve, but it is the one that we need right now.
Hot New York Summer, Part 1
I live in New York now. New York City, NYC. Which means I need to remember to change that in my bio for the site.
Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man, Part 3
Lately I’ve been writing about comic books mostly from a mythological sort of angle, either as they pertain to mythological symbolism or how they can be used as real-life lessons the same way a myth… [more]
Movie Review: The Amazing Spider-Man is a Reboot with Legs, Just Not All Eight
Several comments on Slashfilm’s review of The Amazing Spider-Man stated that, while Marc Webb’s Spider-Man is fine, the Sam Raimi films were infallible.
Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man, Part 2
In the summer of 2011, Spider-Man died.
Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man, Part 1
I don’t like to address politics very often when I write about comics.
Spider-Man, Boy Genius
The Venom Formula, Part 2
A few weeks ago, I wrote a column about the new version of Venom as he appears in the cartoon series Ultimate Spider-Man.
Spidey Suit
Spider-Man is known for taking chances with his wardrobe.
“We’ve Got to Make Superman, Spider-Man, and Everyone Dance”
Music and super-heroes have, for some reason, never been able to get along. Looking at the track listing for the Avengers sorta-kinda movie soundtrack, Avengers Assemble, we can see right away that finding songs to… [more]
The Venom Formula
If there’s one character who is constantly in need of a makeover, it’s Venom.
The Avengers Versus the Space Lizard Conspiracy
May 4th was Avengers day here in the states, and I actually managed to see the film three times in the first 24 hours of its release.
Soul Silver Surfer
After my recent column about Galactus, I’ve had an urge to rediscover a character that I’ve never really given enough attention to: Norrin Radd, the Silver Surfer.
Comic Book Dads
Yesterday, my friends Wes and Andrea welcomed into the world their beautiful new daughter, Annabelle Fay. I was there along with members of their family to accompany them on their big day, and even though… [more]
Galactus: Meditations on a World-Eater
The Uncreator. The Universal Endbringer. The Anti-God. Gah. Lak. Tus.
Fiction Suit
Alan Moore’s done it. Jack Kirby and Stan Lee did it. Osamu Tezuka did it. Grant Morrison did it so regularly and intently that he gave it a name.
John Carter Vs. Superman
With the recent release of the Disney film John Carter (which may or may not still be in theaters by the time you read this piece, judging by the film’s reviews) it seems pertinent to… [more]
Turtle Power
Hell hath no fury like a fanboy scorned.
Shazam Design
Whenever the phrases “we removed the circus strongman elements of his costume” or “the emotional journey of this troubled teenager” get used in an interview about a character’s redesign, I have to admit I get… [more]
Earth-2 Fashion
Last week I went into some depth exploring the fan-made costume designs that are featured on the web site “Project: Rooftop.”
Project Rooftop
If you’re a comic book aficionado and you’re not familiar with the design web site “Project Rooftop,” let me enlighten you (and ruin your afternoon as you spend the next several hours going over the… [more]
Chronicle Reaction
I’ve just returned from watching the new film Chronicle, a superhero found footage movie from director Josh Trank and writer Max Landis.
Marvel’s Spirit of Vengeance
A few days ago I donated some money to Gary Friedrich, the co-creator of Ghost Rider, one of Marvel Entertainment’s most popular properties.
Realism and the Art of Action
Sequential art is a purely visual medium, one that relies on the combination of words and pictures in order to give the illusion of animation and sound.
When Adrian Veidt Owns Shakespeare: Why I’m Against Before Watchmen
DC Comics recently officially announced that it would be reviving the characters from Alan Moore and Dave Gibbon’s revered graphic novel, Watchmen, for a slew of prequel spin-off comics. In my opinion, these prequels are… [more]
Why Batman Isn’t a Wingnut
Recently, a friend of mine clicked on a Batman-related TV show clip that found its way to the front page of Reddit.
On Breast-Feeding and Boobery
I know that in my column here, which is unofficially titled “Living Fiction,” I usually adopt the hippy dippy angle of “comics are more real than we think” or whatever and apply it to whatever… [more]
Superpowers, Reality, Celebrity
A new series launching from Image Comics in April titled America’s Got Powers will tell the tale of superheroes competing in an American reality show for a place on a superhero team.
The Girl with the Robin Tattoo
By now everyone has at least heard of, if not seen, David Fincher’s adaptation of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, a film that many are calling one of the best of the year.
How Batman Made Me a Buddhist
As I write this, Hanukkah is in full swing and Christmas is days away.
The Bane / Venom Connection
Ok, so here’s a fun one.
Aiming Below the Belt
I was speaking to a friend of mine recently who lives primarily in Thailand but has been staying in the U.S. temporarily, and I asked her if she was familiar with Superman.
Screen Villains
It’s often said that a hero is only as good as his villain. I think.
Death and the Super-Hero
Let’s talk death.
Frank Miller Controversy
Having written a recent column dealing with Frank Miller’s “Holy Terror” graphic novel, and subsequently one regarding the Occupy protests, I feel that it would be pertinent for me to follow them up with a… [more]
V for Vendetta Provides a Face for the Frustrated
If you follow my twitter feed at all, you might notice lately that I have been retweeting several updates from various professional journalism and citizen journalism sources regarding the Occupy Wall Street movement.
Superheroes are More than Propaganda
It’s been five years since he originally announced it, and ten years since the events of Sept. 11, 2001, which inspired the story, but Frank Miller’s graphic novel Holy Terror has finally been released.
Siri Ushers in the Era of the Digital Sidekick
In a recent article for The Huffington Post’s tech section, author Steve Rosenbaum equated the new Siri software found in the latest iteration of Apple’s iPhone with robot sidekicks found in works of science fiction.
Arkham City Fights to Make Robin Relevant Again
One of my favorite things to ponder when it comes to the realistic or quasi-realistic treatment of superheroes is the treatment of Robin, The Boy Wonder.
Super-Heroes Getting Laid
By now, everyone in the comics blogosphere is more than familiar with the controversy that arose from the recent Catwoman #1.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, on the Guitar… Superman!”
The Last Son of Krypton, looking a little less brawny than I imagined him to be and with less than enough hair to pull off a spit curl, took center stage while his superfriends disappeared… [more]