Sequart Content Tagged:
Booster Gold
Magazine content related to Booster Gold
Week 23: The Most Greaterest Column Ever!
The writer of this column recognizes his right to freedom of speech when speaking about that horrible bastard Supernova and all of his possible indentities, including Brian Graiser. Speaking of which look what Mr. Graiser… [more]
Week 19: I Think You Look Good When You Wear Gold
Last week the last few things I wrote seemed a little disorganized, instead of going back and editing them or apologizing to you I’m retconning. That’s right I’m going to retcon the continuity of my… [more]
Week 18: I Can’t Believe It’s Not Booster Gol- Oh Wait…
This week marks the official induction of a new segment! The Blurb Detective! In this segment I will look at a up coming week’s blurb on the 52 website and figure out what it means.… [more]
Week 16: I Can’t Believe It’s Not Booster Gold!
This week I was traveling so instead of having a normal format I present to you the following… I CAN’T BELIEVE IT’S NOT BOOSTER GOLD! Who is Supernova? My trusty sidekick the internet has failed… [more]