Image Comics Launches Mail-Order Service: A Threat to Comics Ecology?
Image Comics announced this past Thursday that they will now be offering a direct mail service to their US customers for over 35 of their most popular titles, including Rat Queens, Sex Criminals, The Walking… [more]
Je Suis Charlie
Editor’s Note: Due to some confusion from early reports, the article stated that Hamyd Mourad, brother-in-law to the Kouachi brothers, was the getaway driver for the brothers. He was in no way involved. He turned… [more]
IDW Publishing Acquires Top Shelf
Big news in the business side of comics: IDW has acquired Top Shelf Productions. Based in Georgia, this relatively small comics label has been responsible for some of the classiest and most high-quality releases in… [more]
Comics Were Everywhere in 2014… Just Think of What 2015 Can Bring
Comics were everywhere in 2014, and not just from my perspective. Check your Facebook page, or Twitter feed, and if you’re anything like me you’ll see at least one (probably three) Cyanide and Happiness, for… [more]
Smorgasbord #9: The Smorgies Awards 2014
Per podcasting law, the end of each and every year requires an awards show of some sort, so here it is: The Smorgies 2014! (Yes, we’re doing an annual after only 8 episodes that ran… [more]
Nickelodeon’s Business Strategies are Threatening Its Future
As of late, a new trend is forming within the children’s cartoon industry. The industry is seeing more creatively liberal cartoons that contain darker undertones and flawed (yet likable or understandable) characters rarely (if ever)… [more]
Smorgasbord #8: It Came from the 1980s!
Shawn and Tom are oddly excited about the prospects of the Jem and the Holograms comic book adaptations, which leads them through a weary road of the yet untapped 1980s nostalgia market. Also, in news, the now… [more]
Screw the Star Wars Trailer
I like Star Wars. Swear to god. I really like Star Wars. I know it’s bad for me. I know that it’s not really worth the love. I really do. But I like it. I… [more]
Outside Comic-cons
I have not been going to Comic-Cons for a long time, but I am passionate about comic books. When I first decided to go to my city’s Comiccon (Montréal), I did not really know what… [more]
The Tribes of Fans: How Tribalism is Pulling Comics in the Wrong Direction
We have reached an interesting (and exciting) point in comics history. For the first time in, well, ever, women are almost neck in neck for comic book readership. This year there was even market research… [more]
Smorgasbord #7: Rats, Ducks, and Angry Birds
In this episode, Shawn and Tom cover a rather large bunch of news including Roc Upchurch’s removal from Rat Queens, the new Howard the Duck title (and whether or not Steve Gerber is spinning in his grave),… [more]
Is It Time To Retire The Concept Of “Spoiler”?
As part of my continuing series addressing important questions in modern geek culture, this time I’m going to discuss the concept of the “spoiler”. There’s a rumour, or at least a legend, that Herman Mankiewicz,… [more]
Why I Am Thankful: How Sequart Has Changed My Life
I’ve played a large role in discouraging personal writing in posts on Sequart in the past months, only because how we feel and who we are intrudes on objective analysis of a text or work.… [more]
AMC’s Comic Book Men: Is This True Representation?
We need to have a conversation about geek culture. Sorry to put it that way, but I’m sure many would agree that modern geek culture has reached new heights of mainstream popularity, and we need… [more]
Smoragsbord #6: #Doom
Crossover season is once again upon us, here Shawn and Tom try and grapple with DC’s Convergence event and Marvel’s brewing Secret Wars and come up with mostly headache and confusion. Also: the frankly bizarre declaration about… [more]
How Star Wars Broke Cinema
There’s a scene in The Empire Strikes Back that epitomizes what’s wrong with cinema (and comics) today. Han Solo and company have fled in the Millennium Falcon, and they head into an asteroid field. It’s… [more]
Science Fiction Doesn’t Have to be Dystopian
I love Science Fiction, whether it be in literature or film/TV, but as a fan, I’m frustrated at the moment. In the past years there was been quite a lot of product in this area,… [more]
Smorgasbord #5: The Monster at the End of This Podcast
This podcast was recorded a bit earlier than usual, so we’ve missed the endless movie announcements from Marvel. Still, we’ve found enough stuff to discuss to fill-up a good 90 minutes of comics talk including… [more]
Smorgasbord #4: Civil War, the Musical
It’s a busy post NYCC season as Shawn and Tom make their through a heap of news and declarations: new Marvel Comics events, the cancellation of the Fantastic Four, Vertigo’s expended line, Captain America 3 rumors, and… [more]
Happy 75th Birthday, Harvey Pekar
Last week, the date of Harvey Pekar’s birth (October 8) passed again, for the fourth time since his death in 2010. This time, it would have been Pekar’s 75th birthday and many admirers, friends and… [more]
Truth, Justice, and Ferguson
The story of Ferguson, an image of small town USA torn apart, unfolded through the media in increasing complexity. First, there were the tragic reports of a black, unarmed teenager shot six times, twice in… [more]
Smorgasbord #3: Sad Goat
For the third episode of Smorgasbord, Shawn and Tom try to to untangle the mess DC made with their recent bad shirt designs, tackle the end of the Kirby lawsuit, and try to be hopeful… [more]
Could Dwayne Johnson’s Black Adam Contribute to Orientalism?
Dwayne Johnson will play DC heavy-hitter Black Adam in an upcoming Shazam film. Fans were either reviled or revitalized, but what has been rarely discussed is how exactly Black Adam should be adapted to the big screen. We just need to be careful. [more]
You Can Keep Snyder’s Wonder Woman; I’ll Just Watch Buffy
A comment I often see among fans of superhero movies is “Why can’t they make one with a female lead!?” or often simply, “Why can’t they make a Wonder Woman movie?” The answer is complicated.… [more]
Is Having No Wonder Woman Movie Better than Having a Bad One?
A recent clip of Fox Newsbots prattling on about superheroes without any tangible connection to reality has been making the rounds this week, just as has happened many times before. Among the many idiotic things… [more]