Magazine Archives for:
9 September 2014
The Anatomy of Zur-en-Arrh is Available for Order by Comics Shops
Cody Walker’s The Anatomy of Zur-en-Arrh: Understanding Grant Morrison’s Batman is now available for order through Diamond Comics Distributors. The Anatomy of Zur-en-Arrh is listed in the book section of the current Previews catalog. You… [more]
Nalanda University Reincarnated: Goku’s Alma Mater
Nalanda University, recently refounded in India, has begun accepting students. In its own right this is a good thing because it will provide greater access to higher education both for Indian and global students. It… [more]
The One After Oldboy: On Lady Vengeance
After Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance and Oldboy, Chan-wook Park returned to his Vengeance Trilogy with Lady Vengeance (callback title!). Rather than attempting to continue along the successful wave that was Oldboy, Park instead capped the… [more]
“There is Something Wrong with This World”: The American Superhero Comics of Mark Millar, Part 34
Continued from last week. Even when Millar put an appropriately exotic backdrop to use, he frequently neutered its dramatic potential. The desert setting used to conclude the first arc was portrayed in an entirely throwaway… [more]