Magazine Archives for:

23 May 2013

On Jack Kirby’s 2001: A Space Odyssey Continuation

Having introduced Jack Kirby’s 2001, and looked at his adaptation of the film, let’s look at his continuation of that film.

The Best of All of Us: “Doctor Who: Death to the Doctor,” by Jonathan Morris and Roger Langridge

In which the blogger hopes that folks might stick around while he discusses a thoroughly fine and not unimportant story which many of you probably haven’t read, but which you really might want to, regardless… [more]

Doctor Who as Warden in the 50th Anniversary “Prisoners of Time” Series

IDW’s comic series “Prisoners of Time”, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Doctor, is a twelve-parter devised with an overarching plot to hold the tales of each respective regeneration of the Doctor in tandem. Meanwhile,… [more]