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Diggin’ Up Gold! #2
Donald Duck Comics Banned? No matter where you go, if you look hard enough you can find it. In print, on the internet, in trivia games and more. If you look for it you can… [more]
Ultimate X-Men Volume 2: Return to Weapon X
If I were Mark Millar, after six successful issues of Ultimate X-Men, I probably would have sat back and wrote another arc with the young mutants facing off against Magneto again. Remember in the previous… [more]
Using Blood to Wash a Wound
Something hit me today while I was in the middle of College Comp 2 class, listening to a lecture on grammar. As my editor could probably tell you, I should have probably done my best… [more]
Action Comics Annual #10
First story: “The Many Deaths of Superman” A very clever recap of the many ways that have been found to destroy the supposedly invulnerable Man of Steel. Art by Art Adams is beautiful as always.… [more]
The Peter David Factor: Part 8
X-Factor #77 (April 1992) — Great X-pectations — This issue gets back into the swing of things after the Incredible Hulk crossover last month. It begins with a man and his pregnant wife at a… [more]
The Four Immigrants Manga: A Japanese Experience in San Francisco, 1904-1924
I finally got around to reading THE FOUR IMMIGRANTS MANGA and it kind of made me feel guilty for all the time I wasted reading old school Iron Man comics with the ads for Hubba… [more]
Batman #663: “The Clown at Midnight”
Batman #663 has already generated much commentary and consternation around the world with its prosaic depiction of the Caped Crusader.
Fell #7
Finally! Issue #7 comes out! Yay! Fell! You know, as this book really only comes out every so never, they don’t even bother putting the date on the cover. But hey, it’s still worth it.… [more]
Be a Better Customer
For nearly a year now I’ve been writing these articles, sharing with fellow Sequart readers what it is like being a comic book store owner. In some articles I rant, in others I give advice.… [more]
Diggin’ Up Gold! #1
The Story of Atlas/Seaboard Comics The roots of the company now known as Atlas/Seaboard Comics can be seen as far back the summer of 1968. That was when Marvel Comics founder Martin Goodman sold Marvel… [more]
52 Week Thirty-Seven
The following are my comments on this issue, as directed towards the readers (and writer) of Douglas Wolk’s excellent site 52-pickup. The Gauntlet: Kara must have delivered it to Bats after her other self kicked… [more]
Savage Dragon (second series) #131
I must say Battleaxe is hot! Well, so is She-Dragon. Savage Dragon has been through many adventures and I can see how he has a hard time keeping them straight. The story in Savage Dragon… [more]
The Sequart Detective: A Matter of Justice, Part 9
THE SEQUART DETECTIVE: A MATTER OF JUSTICE Analysis #9: Reviewing the first half of Justice #5. My name is unimportant. What’s important is…I’m a detective. WARNING: Not only does this article contain spoilers for the… [more]
Not-So-Ordinary Victories
To my surprise, Manu Larcenet was nominated for last year’s Eisners (“Best US edition of Foreign Material”). He did not win, since Sfar did, but that was a reliable signal that Larcenet had acquired both… [more]
On Dave McKean’s Cages
If he was only ever known for his famous run of 75 cover collages for Neil Gaiman’s Sandman, Dave McKean would still be an important name in comics. These groundbreaking works introduced McKean’s inventive, mixed-media… [more]
Customer Loyalty
Because there are so few comic book stores around, there has been little study of what gets a customer to shop at one comic book store over another, and what might get them to change.… [more]