More to come.
“A Fire in the Sky!” -- 35 pages
- written by Chris Claremont; pencils by George Pèrez; inks by Terry Austin
- takes place between X-Men Vol. 1 #124 and #125

“Dark Phoenix” -- 17 pages
- script by Chris Claremont; story by John Byrne and Chris Claremont; pencils by John Byrne; inks by Terry Austin
- Jean Grey destroys a solar system

“The Fate of the Phoenix!” -- 35 pages
- script by Chris Claremont; story by John Byrne and Chris Claremont; pencils by John Byrne; inks by Terry Austin
- fighting the Phoenix Force, Jean Grey sacrifices herself and dies
“The Fate of the Phoenix!”
- reprints 29 pages of X-Men Vol. 1 #137 plus a new five-page conclusion (by the same team as the original) in which the Phoenix Force is purged from Jean
cover reprint -- 1 pages
- reprints the cover of X-Men Vol. 1 #137
“The Dark Phoenix Tapes” -- 12 pages
- text interview with John Byrne, Jim Shooter, Chris Claremont, Jim Salicrup, Louise Jones, and Terry Austin on Phoenix’s death
- features spot illustrations using John Byrne clip art
unused splash page
- pencils by John Byrne; inks by Terry Austin
- original art for the first page of X-Men Vol. 1 #138, featuring Cyclops and Jean Grey, that would have been used had Jean lived
only issue; page: 1; wraparound cover by John Byrne and Terry Austin; published by Marvel Comics; $2.00; cover-dated Apr 1984

“Elegy” -- 18 pages
- script by Chris Claremont; story by John Byrne and Chris Claremont; pencils by John Byrne; inks by Terry Austin
- features the funeral for Jean Grey
- Cyclops leaves the team
- Kitty Pryde joins the team
published between X-Men Vol. 1 #138 and #139; published by Marvel Comics; cover-dated 1980

“Demon” -- 22 pages
- script by Chris Claremont; story by Chris Claremont and John Byrne; pencils by John Byrne; inks by Terry Austin
- Kitty Pryde battles a demon