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The Nativity

“The Nativity, One of Four” -- 22 pages
- written by Mark Millar; pencils by Frank Quitely; inks by Trevor Scott
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“The Nativity, Two of Four” -- 22 pages
- written by Mark Millar; pencils by Frank Quitely; inks by Trevor Scott
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“The Nativity, Three of Four” -- 22 pages
- written by Mark Millar; pencils by Frank Quitely; inks by Trevor Scott

“The Nativity, Four of Four” -- 22 pages
- written by Mark Millar; pencils by Frank Quitely; inks by Trevor Scott

collects The Authority Vol. 1 #9-16; published by DC Comics / WildStorm
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The Secret History of the Authority

“Doctor’s Orders” -- 22 pages
- written by Mark Millar; pencils by John McCrea; inks by James Hodgkins
- focuses on the Doctor
first issue; cover by Bryan Hitch and Paul Neary; published by DC Comics / WildStorm; $2.50; cover-dated Aug 2000; published 21 June 2000
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“Rough Trade” -- 22 pages
- written by Mark Millar; pencils by John McCrea; inks by James Hodgkins
- depicts Jenny Sparks’s first meeting with Apollo and the Midnighter

“A Tale of Two Cities” -- 22 pages
- written by Mark Millar; pencils by John McCrea; inks by James Hodgkins

“Many Happy Returns” -- 22 pages
- written by Mark Millar; pencils by John McCrea; inks by James Hodgkins
- has Jenny Sparks in Nazi Germany recover the Tibetan egg that will hatch Shen
- reveals how Jenny Sparks inspired Hitler to enter politics

“There’s Nothing I Haven’t Sung About” -- 22 pages
- written by Mark Millar; pencils by John McCrea; inks by James Hodgkins
- has the Engineer rescue Jenny Sparks in 1919, where she knows Hemingway
- features Jenny Quantum’s Authority from 2099, apparently teaming up with the Authority of 2001 (though this tale or its implications, that Jenny Quantum and the Authority will survive, are not explored in the regular comic)
final issue; cover by John McCrea; published by DC Comics / WildStorm; $2.50; cover-dated Mar 2001; published 29 Dec 2000

collects Jenny Sparks: The Secret History of the Authority #1-5; introduction by Warren Ellis; published by DC Comics / WildStorm
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Earth Inferno and Other Stories

“Earth Inferno, One of Four” -- 22 pages
- written by Mark Millar; pencils by Chris Weston; inks by Garry Leach

“Earth Inferno, Two of Four” -- 22 pages
- written by Mark Millar; pencils by Chris Weston; inks by Garry Leach, Derek Fridolfs, Sal Regla, and Chris Weston

“Earth Inferno, Three of Four” -- 22 pages
- written by Mark Millar; pencils by Frank Quitely; inks by Trevor Scott

“Earth Inferno, Four of Four” -- 22 pages
- written by Mark Millar; pencils by Frank Quitely; inks by Trevor Scott

“The Breaks” -- 32 pages
- written by Joe Casey; pencils by Cully Hamner; inks by Ray Snyder, Cully Hamner, and Mark Irwin
- ties into “Devil’s Night,” a story than ran through three other WildStorm annuals in October, though the explanation for the raising of the dead provided by that story is not provided by this particular annual
only issue; published between The Authority #19 and #20; cover by Cully Hamner; published by DC Comics / WildStorm; $3.50; cover-dated Dec 2000

“Orbital” -- 13 pages
- written by Warren Ellis; pencils by Cully Hamner; inks by Karl Story
- a Jack Hawksmoor story
“Isolation” -- 13 pages
- written by Paul Jenkins; pencils by Georges Jeanty; inks by Karl Story
- a story about the Engineer’s sex life
“Apple Read” -- 13 pages
- written by Brian Azzarello; pencils by Brian Stelfreeze; inks by Karl Story
- a black-white-and-red story starring Zealot (from Wildcats)
pin-ups -- 6 pages
- art by Chris Sprouse and Karl Story (Gen 13 pin-up), Joe Phillips and Jason Martin (Spartan and Voodoo pin-up), Jason Pearson (Taboo pin-up), Mike Weiringo and Karl Story (the Doctor pin-up), and Tony Harry and Ray Snyder (2-page Planetary pin-up)
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collects The Authority Vol. 1 #17-20, The Authority Annual 2000, and the two Authority-related stories from Wildstorm Summer Special; published by DC Comics / WildStorm; published 3 July 2002
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Brave New World

“Brave New World, One of Four” -- 22 pages
- written by Mark Millar; pencils by Frank Quitely; inks by Trevor Scott
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“Transfer of Power, One of Four” -- 22 pages
- written by Tom Peyer; pencils by Dustin Nguyen; inks by Richard Friend and Jason Martin
- the new Authority almost immediately commits a crime against humanity
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“Transfer of Power, Two of Four” -- 22 pages
- written by Tom Peyer; pencils by Dustin Nguyen; inks by Richard Friend and Jason Martin
- features Dr. Krigstein
“The League of Gentlemen: A Story of Establishment” -- 8 pages
- written by Ian Edginton; art by Charlie Adlard
- prologue story to The Establishment

“Transfer of Power, Three of Four” -- 22 pages
- written by Tom Peyer; pencils by Dustin Nguyen; inks by Richard Friend
- has the new team fight the utopian former refugees of “Re-space”

“Transfer of Power, Four of Four” -- 22 pages
- written by Tom Peyer; pencils by Dustin Nguyen; inks by Richard Friend, Jason Martin, Derek Fridolfs, and Dustin Nguyen
- references Dr. Krigstein

“Brave New World, Two of Four” -- 22 pages
- written by Mark Millar; pencils by Arthur Adams; inks by Tim Townsend
- the new Authority receives sexual favors and tortures Apollo
- has Swift (enjoyably, outside of her reference to having a womb instead of a vagina, with its implications) turned into a “good wife”
- shows the commercialization of the Doctor’s spiritual landscape and the Carrier itself
- has the Engineer withdrawing from heroin-addicted blood that has replaced her liquid machinery blood, as well as her transformation into a Brooklyn wife with many kids and an abusive husband
- has Jack Hawksmoor, his I.Q. halved, as a bum on the street who claims to have been a super-hero
- has the Midnighter and Jenny Quantum hiding out and ready for revenge
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“Brave New World, Three of Four” -- 22 pages
- written by Mark Millar; pencils by Arthur Adams; inks by Tim Townsend and Trevor Scott
- Midnighter frees Apollo, kills the new Authority, and dies, leaving Apollo to confront Seth
- Morrison was originally uncredited as co-writer (Millar, in the hospital, asked Morrison to provide the script Art Adams needed immediately, leading Millar to revise it and rewrite as required)

“Brave New World, Four of Four” -- 24 pages
- written by Mark Millar; art by Gary Erskine
- the team reunites and survives (including Midnighter, despite injuries)
- Seth is transformed into a chicken to be sodomized by his relations
- features a bald U.S. President who the Authority sends (rightfully so, but perhaps in the greatest demonstration of the team’s growing totalitarianism) to Iraq
- features Swift holding the heads of Ted Turner and Bill Gates (not named)
- Apollo and The Midnighter marry
- does not feature the cover design distinctive of The Authority (and is the only issue like this)
final issue; cover by Arthur Adams and Tim Townsend; published by DC Comics / WildStorm; $2.50; cover-dated July 2002; published 15 May 2002
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collects The Authority Vol. 1 #22-29; cover taken from The Authority Vol. 1 #26; published by DC Comics / WildStorm
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collects The Authority Vol. 1 #13-20, 22, and 27-29; published by DC Comics / WildStorm; hardcover; published 2003
The Monarchy (Not in Order)

“All Tomorrow’s Parties: An Interlude” -- 22 pages
- written by Doselle Young; pencils by John McCrea; inks by Garry Leach
- occurs during The Authority Vol. 1 #13

“Union City Blues” -- 22 pages
- written by Doselle Young; pencils by John McCrea; inks by Garry Leach

collects The Authority Vol. 1 #21 and The Monarchy #1-4; cover by John McCrea; published by DC Comics / WildStorm; cover-dated Jan 2002
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“The Idiot’s Guide to the Death of the World, Part 3 of 3: Reweaving” -- 22 pages
- written by Doselle Young; pencils by John McCrea; inks by Garry Leach
- Jackson King seemingly discovers that the Authority’s use of the Bleed has caused the disturbances in it
final issue; cover by John McCrea; published by DC Comics / WildStorm; $2.50; cover-dated May 2002
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The Establishment (Not in Order)

“Man in a Suitcase” -- 22 pages
- written by Ian Edginton; art by Charlie Adlard
first issue; cover by Charlie Adlard; published by DC Comics / WildStorm; $2.50; cover-dated Nov 2001; published 12 Sept 2001

“Danger Man” -- 22 pages
- written by Ian Edginton; art by Charlie Adlard

“Doomwatch” -- 22 pages
- written by Ian Edginton; art by Charlie Adlard

“Edge of Darkness” -- 22 pages
- written by Ian Edginton; art by Charlie Adlard

“The Man from Nowhere” -- 22 pages
- written by Ian Edginton; art by Charlie Adlard

“England’s Glory” -- 22 pages
- written by Ian Edginton; art by Charlie Adlard

“There was a Crooked Man…” -- 22 pages
- written by Ian Edginton; art by Charlie Adlard

“Back in the USSR” -- 22 pages
- written by Ian Edginton; art by Charlie Adlard

“A Matter of Life and Death” -- 22 pages
- written by Ian Edginton; art by Charlie Adlard

“Spaced” -- 22 pages
- written by Ian Edginton; art by Charlie Adlard

“Spaced” -- 22 pages
- written by Ian Edginton; art by Charlie Adlard

“Timeslip” -- 22 pages
- written by Ian Edginton; art by Charlie Adlard

“The Final Program” -- 22 pages
- written by Ian Edginton; art by Charlie Adlard
final issue; cover by Charlie Adlard; published by DC Comics / WildStorm; $2.50; cover-dated Nov 2002