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Comics Publicity, Peter David, and More

In a nice little bit of comic book public relations, I heard Terry Gross’s interview with Steven T. Seagle this past Wednesday on National Public Radio. Seagle, writer of such Vertigo titles as Sandman Mystery… [more]

I Shot the Devil (Chon’s laziness works out in everyone’s favor — and heals a broken nation)

Ronald Reagan died last Saturday, and I pretty much swore I’d save this section of what all the cool kids are calling “The Arb” for self-indulgent goofball antics and stay away from the topical stuff,… [more]

The Fall of Hype: Astonishing X-Men and Superman

Astonishing X-Men #1 Marvel Comics – Joss Whedon (w); John Cassaday (a)Well, I can’t envision any scenario where this book isn’t the most reviewed title of the week from the online comics community; there’s just… [more]

Another Week, Another Blotter

News Blips In a depressing update to the Stormwatch news posted here last week, Rich Johnston is reporting that Stormwatch: Team Achilles is not going to release issue #24 at all. According to the report,… [more]

The New Blotter

Hello. My name is Mike Phillips. I’m the new Blotter guy and I am very excited to Blot. No kidding. As I finished reading the e-mail from Julian saying, “Welcome aboard,” I caught myself pumping… [more]

And the Senses Being Dulled are Mine (Let’s regain our sense of fun with The Plastic Man Archives, Volume 1)

Here’s the problem with superhero comics: They’re inherently stupid. But here’s the great thing about superhero comics: They’re inherently stupid. Yep. Superhero comics are stupid. Most of the people who disagree with this statement miss… [more]

Of Adventures of Superman and Invincible

Adventures of Superman #628 DC Comics – Greg Rucka (w); Matthew Clark (p); Nelson (i)Y’know what I am so fucking sick of? Superman: The Indecisive Candyass. Last Son of Krypton? How about Last Hand-Wringing Pussy… [more]

Every Atom Belonging to Me as Good Belongs to You (He self-indulgently rambles once again and then finally talks about Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind)

In the words of Frederick Schodt: Manga! Manga! We all love manga. It’s replaced ice cream as that thing we all scream for. It’s just fun to say. Come on and say it with me:… [more]

Of Spider-Man and Action Comics

Spider-Man #2 Marvel Comics – Mark Millar (w); Terry Dodson (p); Rachel Dodson (i)Man, it is not often that I see a book transition from “promising” to “pointless” so quickly. To recap, last issue, after… [more]

The New Firestorm

Firestorm #1 DC Comics – Dan Jolley (w); Chriscross (p); John Dell (i)It seems like everyone has been clamoring for a Firestorm relaunch for the longest time now. Frankly, I’ve never been able to figure… [more]

In Which Doris Has Had Her Oats for a Bit (and Summer Blonde is Discussed)

As I was familiarizing myself with my new surroundings here at, one of the things I’ve noticed was that, like with the rest of the internet, save a few exceptions, a lot of action… [more]

On Mark Millar’s Spider-Man

Spider-Man #1 Marvel Comics / Marvel Knights – Mark Millar (w); Terry Dodson (p); Rachel Dodson (i)It’s not often that I look at a solicitation text, roll my eyes and absolutely WANT to dislike a… [more]

Power and Masculinity: On Be a Man and Supreme Power

Be a Man Top Shelf Productions – Jeffrey Brown (w/a)Last year, Jeffrey Brown released Clumsy, his debut graphic novel (or rather, I think it’s his debut) through Top Shelf. It was an enjoyable read, in… [more]


I’ve been writing about comics since the early days of the internet revolution in the mid-1990s. I had read comics forever, and the internet provided an opportunity to make public my examinations of the best… [more]

Sweet Love, Suicidal Depression, and Racism

Mighty Love DC Comics – Howard Chaykin (w/a)Howard Chaykin seems to be one of those rare, completely polarizing figures in the comics industry. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who was familiar with his… [more]

Strike First, Strike Hard, No Mercy Sir (It is Time to Talk about The Interman)

Hello. I’m Jeff Chon and I’m your new arbiter of good taste. Introductions are horribly self-indulgent and self-indulgence is something I save for poetry slams and double live albums. So if you want to know… [more]

2 March Comics

Alpha Flight #1 Marvel Comics – Scott Lobdell (w); Clayton Henry (p); Mark Morales (i)Alpha Flight is one of those titles that, during the periods that it’s not being published, people seem to think they… [more]

The State of American Comics Address, 2004

This is the fourth annual State of American Comics Address that I have given. The State of American Comics Address is intended to sum up, in retrospect and for the historical record, the American comics… [more]

All the News of February

ApologiaThe Comics Blotter has been absent for a month while I worked on other projects. As such, we are coving the last month of news, with new stories given some preference in our line-up. A… [more]

New X-Men Feeling Old

New X-Men #153 Marvel Comics – Grant Morrison (w); Marc Silvestri (a)Well, it’s almost over. Grant Morrison’s semi-historic run on the formerly adjective-less X-Men is in the final stages, this issue being the penultimate moment.… [more]

More 11 February Comics

4 #1 Marvel Comics – Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa (w); Steve McNiven (p); Mark Morales (i) Not so long ago, the comic book market barely needed one ongoing Fantastic Four book. Suddenly, it needs three. So, based… [more]

Chosen and Stay Puffed

Oy. Welcome to this incredibly late New Comics Day. Apologies for the long delays — paying work and some side project have been taking over life as of late. (If you happen to have a… [more]

Aquaman’s New Direction

Aquaman #15 DC Comics – Will Pfeifer (w); Patrick Gleason (p); Christian Alamy (i)Ah, Aquaman. Monarch, superhero… subject of more failed relaunches than just about any other hero imaginable. At this point, there’s not much… [more]

Coup d’État: Sleeper

Coup d’État: Sleeper DC Comics / Wildstorm — Ed Brubaker (w); Jim Lee (a)Internet, prepare your flamethrowers. Ready? Here we go: This is one of the single dumbest comics I’ve ever read. And apparently I’m… [more]

Quesada Redesigning Daredevil? — and Other News

Quesada’s Daredevil Redesign Joe Quesada’s return to Daredevil is producing a lot of press. The Marvel Editor-in-Chief has apparently been planning to return to drawing for some time, but wanted to wait until the project… [more]