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Things I Learned in China (or, Oyster Tumors of Wisdom)

Hide your children and avert your eyes! Run for the hills! After almost a month-long stretch of peace and quiet, the prodigal son has returned to reclaim his thrown and crown! Yep, you guessed it;… [more]

Pekar, Piskor, and a Preview of Macedonia

Even the most casual of comics fans is probably familiar with Harvey Pekar, thanks to the film success of AMERCAN SPLENDOR. Pekar is one of the trailblazers of autobiographical comics, focusing on the insights that… [more]

The Good Stuff

Greetings and Salutations! My name is Michael Blanton, and I’ll be bringing you reviews of books I think are solid investments each week. I’m more of a Johnny DC than a Marvel Zombie, but when… [more]

Your Guide to Infinite Crisis: The Rann / Thanagar War Special

Over the past months, we’ve examined a hell of a lot of Infinite Crisis. In the process, this study has come to exceed 160,000 words! In fact, our coverage of the Rann-Thanagar War alone runs 40,000 words… [more]

Non-Dominant Hands and Off-Beat Superheroes

I happen to love comics anthologies, in all their beautiful sloppiness. I love panning for gold in them, hoping to get at least one great story even in an anthology that’s otherwise a waste of… [more]

Comic Book Films and Visual Style

Abstract This extended essay investigates the visual nature of three popular, recent comic book films. It will determine whether efforts taken by filmmakers to represent the source material onscreen are successful and if they are… [more]

Bandes Dessinées in a Material World

My name is Nicolas Labarre. I am French, and while completing my Ph.D., including a dissertation on “Theories of Mass Culture in the United States,” I write comics. Or more precisely, bandes dessinées.

Fear and Loathing: Dan Clowes’ Art School Confidential as a site likes to look at comics as they impact other art forms, especially film. While the various superhero movies receive plenty of notice here, I thought I’d review a film that comes… [more]

The Super Naturals #1: Premise and Promise

Book: The Super Naturals #1 Writer: Toney Tapia Pencils / Inks: Jamie Biggs Colors: Lawrence Basso You’re the main character, and you don’t have any superpowers, but everyone else does. To the reader, you look… [more]

Your Guide to Infinite Crisis: “Coalition in Crisis”

With Hawkman #46, which ended with Hawkman and Hawkgirl contacted by Adam Strange, the Hawks’ narrative met up with that of The Rann Thanagar War (a mini-series that had already concluded at that point). The following three… [more]

I Wanna Be In Pictures

Everyone who makes or sells a product wants it to become a part of “pop culture.” Wikipedia defines pop culture this way: Popular culture, or pop culture, the vernacular (people’s) culture that prevails in any… [more]

Are Comics and Videogames Reading from the Same Page?

Bit of a tangent this time but part of my job as Clubs & Technology Editor here at The List is to review video games. And with the recent release of Rogue Trooper (another classic… [more]

Super Girls and Vibrator Oaths

This week’s reviews are of material a bit lighter in tone than I’ve been reading recently. There’s satire in the Harvey Kurtzman tradition with Stan Yan’s THE WANG: WHO’S YOUR DADDY? ( Also, I examine… [more]

We Need a Hero! (or, The Right? Stuff)

Howdy, pardners! It’s time to grab your partner and romp through another edition of Tact is for the Weak, the article that would NOT marry its sister…even though she’s really, really hot… It’s inherent in… [more]

The Two Faces of V

With a movie having just been made of V for Vendetta, it’s inevitable that comparisons are drawn between the original and the adaptation. What is surprising is that many seem to consider the movie equal… [more]

The Valiant Tangent — X-O Manowar #1-4 (Retribution, Part 2)

Welcome back to The Valiant Tangent, the series whose goal it is to chronicle some of the stories and characters of Valiant Comics and the things that made them not only cool, but some of… [more]

Retailer Ranting

After not writing a rant-out-loud column for a while, I thought I’d make it up to everyone with a column including a few good ones. Most of the time, comic book retailing is status quo… [more]

Autobiographical Surrealism

It’s a bit difficult to give a proper critique of Henry Chamberlain’s ALICE IN NEW YORK. The author informs us from the start that it’s the beginning of a graphic novel. As such, it feels… [more]

Infinite Hangover (or, Jesus Crisis, What a Party!)

All aboard! It’s time for another tear-jerking episode of Tact is for the Weak, the article that puts sugar in the other articles’ gas tanks! Well, two and a half years and seven issues (plus… [more]

Your Guide to Civil War: Disassembled, House of M, and the Road to Civil War

As we get ready for the start of Civil War, I think it’s time we take a look at some of the events that, while not directly related to the storyline, have brought us to… [more]

Political Utopias and After-Life Taxi Rides

The works of the Brothers Goldman aren’t written like conventional comics, which is both their strength and weakness. While their storytelling methods are somewhat conventional, their ideas are clever. In the world of indy comics,… [more]

Why Wizard? (or, Donde Estan Los Testiculos?)

It’s been a while, but I’m willing to take you back! It’s time for Tact is for the Weak, the article that has NO problem teabagging someone asleep on the tour bus with their mouth… [more]

Free Comic Book Day

This May 6th will be Free Comic Book Day. This is a national event that has been taking place in comic book retail stores for the last few years. I believe this is the fifth… [more]

Two Men are an Island

So far on Sequart, I’ve mostly done broad overviews, and irregularly at that. But I’ve received a number of submissions that demand my attention, and so I’ll have a new review every Saturday for the… [more]

Annihilation: Nova Trumps Wolverine: Origins

Hmmm…That Looks Interesting The weekly trip to the comic shop can be daunting. There are a multitude of titles every week and wading through all of the books can be a real hassle. This column… [more]