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Seduction of the Innocent

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Proper Pronouns: How Wonder Woman Slipped Sexual Slavery, Sadism, and Homosexuality Past the Comics Code Authority

The last few years have taught us the importance the LGBTQ+ community places upon personal pronouns. In 1969, Wonder Woman writer / penciller / editor Mike Sekowsky understood the value of pronouns when it came… [more]

X-Men #1-19 by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, et al (1963-66), Part 2

In the wake of their first public appearance, the X-Men appear to have been briefly embraced by the American people. Having defeated Magneto’s attempt to seize the U.S. military base of “Cape Citadel”, Cyclops and… [more]

X-Men #1-19 by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, et al (1963-66), Part 1

In a profoundly reactionary society, even a gentle and sincere challenge to the status quo can be read as a significant marker of dissent.

Diagram for Delinquents Update #16: All Factors

I apologize for my anemic entries of late. Filming on the picture has been in full swing, and with the Fall semester is starting very soon, I have been busy preparing for that. (I’m teaching… [more]

Seduction of the Insolent (or, Retraction of the Innocent)

Know thy enemy. It is a long-standing idiom and one that is well-practiced by mainstream comics, most specifically the super-hero genre.

Diagram for Delinquents, the Documentary Film on Fredric Wertham

Sequart is proud to announce a documentary film about the most hated man in comics history: psychiatrist Fredric Wertham.