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Pixels and Why Video Game Films Never Succeed

The release and instantaneous failure of Adam Sandler’s latest production Pixels shines light on one of Hollywood’s longtime pitfalls – movie adaptations of video games and their utter lack of success. While not a direct… [more]

When Marvel Comics Adapted Blade Runner

One of the most interesting movie adaptations published in Marvel Super Special was the adaptation of Ridley Scott’s 1982 film Blade Runner (Marvel Super Special #22, Sept 1982). The comic-book version was written by Archie… [more]

When Blade Runner Mixed with James Bond

In 1977, Marvel Comics launched Marvel Super Special (officially titled Marvel Comics Super Special for its first four issues). Long before graphic novels became routine, Marvel Super Special offered magazine-size graphic novellas, generally containing a… [more]

Everything’s Just Vibrations: A Review of GraphicAudio’s Final Crisis Production

Due to the restrictions of life, I often find myself being unable to read as often as I would like, comics or otherwise. Luckily, audiobooks exist, allowing me to make good use of the time… [more]

On Comic Book Adaptations

This article isn’t about comic book movies. Quite the opposite in fact. What follows is a semi-directionless musing on why there are so few good comic books that adapt their stories from books and movies.… [more]

On Shia LaBeouf: An Explanation, but Not an Excuse

Recently, one of the big comics news stories involves actor Shia LaBeouf and his adaptation antics. To review: LaBeouf produced a short film titled, starring the fine comedian Jim Gaffigan and presented it at… [more]

“Let Them Serve as Signs”: Graphic Adaptations of Christian Texts

In issue number 301 of The Comics Journal, there are articles critiquing two major spiritual works in the graphic tradition. One of these works is R. Crumb’s Book of Genesis, the other Dave Sim’s Cerebus. While the latter… [more]

On Jack Kirby’s 2001: A Space Odyssey Adaptation (Part 2)

Continuing an examination of Jack Kirby’s adaptation of 2001: A Space Odyssey begun here. Kirby’s more successful at other points in this chapter, and he seems to thrive on the conflict in this section of… [more]

On Jack Kirby’s 2001: A Space Odyssey Adaptation

Introduced yesterday. Before Jack Kirby continued the story of 2001, he adapted the film into a 70-page comic. Although the comic adapts the film — it uses Jupiter, for example, whereas the novel used Saturn… [more]

The Adaptation of Daredevil into Film, Part 2

As described briefly in the previous article, Frank Miller had chosen to recreate Daredevil as a gritty, crime-film-influenced narrative.

The Adaptation of Daredevil into Film, Part 1

In any comic book adaptation, there are people who will criticize the film’s translation from the original comic book.