Cover Released for Voyage in Noise
We’re pleased to release the cover art for Voyage in Noise: Warren Ellis and the Demise of Western Civilization, scheduled for a late 2011 release.

Voyage in Noise: Warren Ellis and the Demise of Western Civilization
Written by Kevin Thurman, the book covers Ellis’s entire body of work, with particular attention to its philosophical and postmodern implications.
The cover is by Four-Ones, a Philadelphia-based creative group specializing in web / advertising design and illustration. “We are designers, illustrators, and free-thinkers who creatively form like Voltron.” For more information, visit
The book is part of Sequart’s “Year of Ellis” initiative, which also includes Keeping the World Strange: A Planetary Guide (read why you need to order now through your local comic shop), Shot in the Face: A Savage Journey to the Heart of Transmetropolitan, and the documentary movie Warren Ellis: Captured Ghosts.
Thurman will be on the Year of Ellis panel at C2E2, where he’ll talk about his upcoming book and his contributions to our other Year of Ellis projects.
In 1996, while still an undergraduate, Dr. Julian Darius founded what would become Sequart Organization. After graduating magna cum laude from Lawrence University (Appleton, Wisconsin), he obtained his M.A. in English, authoring a thesis on John Milton and utopianism. In 2002, he moved to Waikiki, teaching college while obtaining an M.A. in French (high honors) and a Ph.D. in English. In 2011, he founded Martian Lit, which publishes creative work, including his comic book Martian Comics. He currently lives in Illinois.
See more, including free online content, on Julian Darius's author page.
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