“A Tragedy in Five Acts (Gangwar, Part Two)” -- 22 pages
- written by Marv Wolfman
- pencils by Jerry Ordway
- inks by Bob Smith
- the details of Project Synapse are revealed, and Jerry White is jailed (because he’s not released until Adventures of Superman #434, his concerned father, Perry White, shouldn’t be shown performing his normal duties between this issue and that one, which should occur close to one another)
- Lois Lane has Clark Kent over for dinner, indicating this occurs before she see him with Cat in Superman Vol. 2 #11 (consequences of which are shown in Adventures of Superman #434)
See It in Context on the Continuity Pages:
Post-Crisis Superman: John Byrne Era (1986-1988)
In 1986, in the wake of Crisis on Infinite Earths, DC chose John Byrne to helm the reboot of the Superman titles. Byrne was the popular artist of Marvel’s The Uncanny X-Men, which he had often… [more]