“Gangwar, Part One: From the Streets, to the Streets!” -- 22 pages
- written by Marv Wolfman
- pencils by Jerry Ordway
- inks by P. Craig Russell
- Superman and Jose Delgado try to prevent a gang war from getting started
- Superman thinks about how he can’t solve his problems easily like punching a “space mummy” (a reference to Superman Vol. 2 #5-6 and perhaps a slight against Byrne, in favor of Adventures of Superman‘s more nuanced subject matter)
- occurs immediately following the main story from Superman Vol. 2 #9 (Superman says he “just finished up with the Joker!”)
- the use of Lex Luthor, without mention of Project Overload (from the back-up in Superman Vol. 2 #9 and all of #10), strongly argues that this should be placed after those stories, yet this isn’t possible unless the main story from Superman Vol. 2 #9 is shifted to after #10 (once this shift is made, however, this issue’s resolutions with both Superman and Lex Luthor actually make more sense)
See It in Context on the Continuity Pages:
Post-Crisis Superman: John Byrne Era (1986-1988)
In 1986, in the wake of Crisis on Infinite Earths, DC chose John Byrne to helm the reboot of the Superman titles. Byrne was the popular artist of Marvel’s The Uncanny X-Men, which he had often… [more]