“Homeward Bound!” -- 22 pages
- written by Marv Wolfman
- art by Jerry Ordway
- Clark struggles to reconcile his private life with his activities as Superman after he misses an interview with the U.S. President(!) and (later) his parent’s 49th wedding anniversary
- continues thematically from Adventures of Superman #429
- a week passes on a single page mid-issue, during which the events of Action Comics Vol. 1 #589 and Superman Vol. 2 #7 are said to occur (though this cannot be the case, because Superman Vol. 2 #7′s final page occurred three days after the rest of that story, during which Superman Vol. 2 #8 and Action Comics Vol. 1 #591 took place), and this page is best ignored, since it’s not necessary for the story
- after the week-long gap, Clark says he’s wanted to get home for so long (an idea mentioned at the end of Adventures of Superman #429 and which means his visit home in this issue must come before Superman visits Smallville in Superman Vol. 2 #8)
See It in Context on the Continuity Pages:
Post-Crisis Superman: John Byrne Era (1986-1988)
In 1986, in the wake of Crisis on Infinite Earths, DC chose John Byrne to helm the reboot of the Superman titles. Byrne was the popular artist of Marvel’s The Uncanny X-Men, which he had often… [more]