Sequart Content Tagged:
Sgt. Rock
Magazine content related to Sgt. Rock
On the Sgt. Rock Story “Head Count,” by Robert Kanigher and Joe Kubert
Camus defined a rebel as a man who says no, and that’s exactly what Warrant Sergeant Hugh Thompson was on Saturday, 16 March 1968, when his helicopter flew over the Vietnamese village of My Lai.
A Closer Look at DC’s Line-Wide Relaunch: Non-Super-Hero Offerings
Beyond its super-hero offerings, DC’s relaunch includes its “dark” magic titles, which incorporates some Vertigo characters into the DCU, and also a few non-super-hero, non-supernatural titles. How do these stack up, as part of an… [more]
Azzarello and Kubert’s Sgt. Rock
Quick apology to my folks at I’ve been basically without a computer for about the last ten days. First the Blaster worm took me down, and then Windows ME refused to reinstall my cable… [more]