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Brad Meltzer

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Defending Identity Crisis

In the past week, not only has my hero Grant Morrison said some pretty strong opinions over Brad Meltzer’s Identity Crisis, but Newsarama has listed the crossover as being their number 1 moment worth forgetting… [more]

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid…

Editor’s Note: The irony is thick with this essay. It was written a few days ago, but with news of the DC-related story reported within the past day by The New York Daily News, it… [more]

Meltzer’s Justice League of America: Now That We’ve All Calmed Down, Was the Comic Any Good?

This summer, hot off the fun of my “debate” with Douglas Wolk about New Avengers, I asked Andrew Gardner, comic fan and intelligent British guy, to begin an e-mail discussion with me about Brad Meltzer’s… [more]

Draft Dodging (or, All You Need is Guy Gardner)

Well well, look who’s come crawling back! That’s okay, I forgive you; welcome to the latest chapter of Tact is for the Weak, the article that can eat 34 hotdogs in five minutes! For months,… [more]

On Identity Crisis

Welcome to “Trade Waiting,” where we wait till comic book arcs are collected in trade format so that we can study and analyze the story on a whole. We will focus on character arcs, plot… [more]

Comics Publicity, Peter David, and More

In a nice little bit of comic book public relations, I heard Terry Gross’s interview with Steven T. Seagle this past Wednesday on National Public Radio. Seagle, writer of such Vertigo titles as Sandman Mystery… [more]