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All Star Superman

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Because I Am the Goddamn Batman: Political Ideologies and Transhumanism in Superhero Comics

Superheroes give us a way to get at the ideologies at work in transhumanism and politics. The genre of superhero comics is a fantastical take on an often dystopian version of our own real world.… [more]

Can You Read The Raven’s Speech: Multiversity Mastermen #1 Splendour Falls

Firstly, dear reader, my apologies for the delay. This write up has been one of the toughest but also one of the most enjoyable thus far. The more I reread Mastermen the more I realize… [more]

Quintessential Superman: Tom De Haven’s It’s Superman!

A few weeks ago, I wrote a column praising Michael Daugherty’s Metropolis Symphony.  Near the end of that column, I called the Grammy-winning piece one of “the quintessential creative works” about Superman, listing it alongside… [more]

Akira Toriyama and the Japanese Superman: Son Goku and Science Fiction

There is a divergence between Eastern and Western fantasy in the modern age that is nascent but hidden beneath cultural barriers. Americans can watch an episode of Dr. Who and enjoy the languishing British empire… [more]

“The Greatest and / or Worst Picto-fics of All Time”: The Multiversity: The Just #1

Three issues in and the Multiversity event shows no signs of slowing down or disappointing. One of the added joys of The Just for me personally was seeing more of Ultra Comics and that books… [more]

The Multiversity Interlude: Whatever Happened to the Supercontext?

“It’s only part of something much better that will be wonderful… To believe that things are going to get better and we will participate in things getting better… Is just us about to become something… [more]

On Canons, Critics, Consensus, and Comics, Part 2

As I explained in last week’s column, I recently asked my fellow Sequart contributors to answer the following question:  “What are the 10 greatest works in the history of the comics medium, and who are the… [more]

The Last Days of Superman

Superman might be the world’s most popular superhero. He’s also among the most difficult to write. Through the years we’ve seen Superman travel through time, endure the heat of the sun, and perform so many… [more]

Theology and Bullshit

To be honest, the end of the world has always scared the shit out of me.

Grant Morrison’s Day-Glo Years: Flex Mentallo, Part 1

The Invisibles is Grant Morrison’s definitive work about our world, the nexus of his philosophical worldview, simultaneously the source and culmination of his ideas about our universe. But there is another world, the super-hero world

Grant Morrison’s All-Star Superman: Science Fiction or Science Fiction Appropriated?

Like traditional literature, graphic novels and comics approach the science fiction genre in a variety of different ways, and this should come as no surprise given the various approaches to sequential art in the United… [more]

Why the World Needs a Superman

A professor at my school has started buying comics for his son, and he asked me to suggest some titles. He had purchased a few issues of Morrison’s Batman and a few of Levitz’s new Legion… [more]

All-Stars: How does the Miller / Lee Batman stack up to the Morrison / Quitely Superman?

Once upon a time, Tim Callahan and Chad Nevett completely disagreed about some comics. This is that time. Tim Callahan: So All-Star Superman #12 finally came out, and I wrote about the whole series at… [more]

Grant Morrison: From the Asylum to the Star

Grant Morrison has been one of the three most influential writers working in mainstream comics over the last 20 years (the other two being Alan Moore and Neil Gaiman).

All Star Superman Vol. 1

We have read the stories before. The stories of the tragic hero: where the hero will fight for what is just, for what is right, but in the end that hero will die. All Star… [more]