Magazine Archives for:

17 December 2015

Man in the High Castle and The Flexibility of the Science Fiction Genre

Science fiction is one of those genres everyone thinks they know, but seems to find it difficult to pin down in terms of a definition. It’s such a porous genre, that is, one that can… [more]

On Altered States and the Art of Making a Science Fiction Cult Classic

The science fiction film Altered States bears all the hallmarks of a cult film. For one thing, it’s about outsider topics, like psychedelic mind states, genetic memory, float tanks, and entheogens. For another there’s a… [more]

The Complete D.R. & Quinch: Alan Moore’s Sci-Fi Fun Time

Like many readers who discovered the world of comics in bookstores rather than comic shops, the works of Alan Moore made an immediate impression on me. He’s a comic book rock star and, undeniably, one… [more]