Today, Sequart gets a new logo.
The new logo is very close to our previous logo, and retains the same large, light blue “S.” The text on top of it, however, is very different.
The new logo emphasizes the name “Sequart,” which could disappear into the text on the old logo. Everyone knows us simply as “Sequart” anyway, yet that word could get lost in our old logo. That’s certainly not the case anymore, and we hope that the simplicity and openness of the new design helps the larger, bolder “Sequart” to stand out even further. We debated keeping other text, but ultimately decided any additional text took took away from the logo.
Although this logo keeps the same large, light blue “S,” which has been part of our branding for years, the color of the “S” is a smige darker, it’s larger and cropped more aggressively, and it’s been tweaked so as not to look quite so flat as it did in our old logo.
Here are the two logos side-by-side for comparison:
We hope the result is identifiable as the same entity as our old logo, yet simpler, bolder, and more attention-grabbing — not only on our website but on our analytic books and documentary movies.
By sheer coincidence, our previous logo debuted six years ago today. (I didn’t even know this until I looked it up to prepare this post.)