“Underworld!” -- 5 pages
- written by Simon Furman
- art by Jeff Anderson
- black-and-white
- Autobot cadets Subsea, Tailgate, and Flattop undergo an initiation in the caverns of Cybertron, but are attacked by mutants
- the mutants kill Subsea and Flattop, but Tailgate survives
- Outback and Pipes launch a rescue mission, but arrive to find they are not needed
- the underground explosion that saved Tailgate releases something
- continues into “Demons!” (Transformers U.K. Vol. 1 #246)
“The Resurrection Gambit!, Part 3″
- reprints the final third of Transformers Vol. 1 #57
“Divided We Fall!” -- 3 pages
- written by Dan Abnett
- art by Stewart Johnson
- Cobra Commander (in his battle armor) and Destro brag about dominating both G.I. Joe and Action Force
- G.I. Joe and Action Force decide to team up (reflecting how Action Force was being rebranded “G.I. Joe, the Action Force”)
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See It in Context on the Continuity Pages:
Original Transformers Comics: 1989
More to come. Beginning in issue #213, the British comic changed its format so that each issue included a partial reprint of of a U.S. story and a new, British-exclusive story. However, the reprints were now… [more]