Sequart Turns 18
On 18 August, Sequart turned 18. And we were so busy that we didn’t notice!
Thank you to all of our readers, writers, and friends. It’s been a wild ride, and it’s only just beginning!
In the last year, we’ve published five books, released three movies, and had daily content right here at, including themed weeks on subjects such as Will Eisner and Jack Kirby.
And we’ve got a great future ahead of us, including documentary films on Neil Gaiman and women in comics! We literally have dozens of books in development. Meanwhile, we’re working hard to expand our daily online content.
If you support our mission, please spread the word! You can also support us through making purchases directly through our store. We also have an open submissions policy, so if you’re interested in writing for some good people while getting your material out to a wider audience, shoot us an email.
Thank you so much! And here’s to the next 18 years!
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In 1996, while still an undergraduate, Dr. Julian Darius founded what would become Sequart Organization. After graduating magna cum laude from Lawrence University (Appleton, Wisconsin), he obtained his M.A. in English, authoring a thesis on John Milton and utopianism. In 2002, he moved to Waikiki, teaching college while obtaining an M.A. in French (high honors) and a Ph.D. in English. In 2011, he founded Martian Lit, which publishes creative work, including his comic book Martian Comics. He currently lives in Illinois.
See more, including free online content, on Julian Darius's author page.
Also by Julian Darius:
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 contributor |  author |  executive producer |  contributor |
 producer |  executive producer |  author |  executive producer |
 introduction |  co-author |  contributor |  author |
 contributor |  author |  author |  author |
 executive producer |  contributor |  contributor |  executive producer |
 contributor |  author | | |
Not pictured:
When you turn 18 where I come from you head right to Quebec where 18 is the drinking age! I sense a road trip…