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Comics Published 22 October 2003

Batman #620 DC Comics – Brian Azzarello (w); Eduardo Risso (a) Man, I love 100 Bullets. I’ve said it about a billion times before, but it is literally the book that made me start reading… [more]

The Art of Intrinsic Failure: Epic, The Cubs, and Some Reviews

Salutations, and welcome to another New Comics Day. Well, okay, not really. New Comics Day plus a few days. Sadly, New Comics Day last week was spent in mourning after watching the Cubs blow it… [more]

Comics Published 8 October 2003

The Walking Dead #1 Image Comics — Robert Kirkman (w); Tony Moore (a) I have no idea how I didn’t catch this book when it was solicited. I love Stephen King’s The Stand. It’s probably… [more]

Getting Mauled by Tigers

The lights are off at O’Malley’s. I’m full of Sam Adams and smoke, so it must be a Wednesday, time again for another edition of New Comics Day. I Swear, This Is About Comics. Really.… [more]

Why I Hate Wolverine

Wolverine would have been a good recurring character in The Incredible Hulk, where he first appeared. And I would have defended him, retractable claws and all. But he can’t really sustain his own book, nor being… [more]

Sex Scenes, Orson Welles, and Other Matters

Greetings, and welcome to another edition of New Comics Day. As usual, New Comics Day winds down at O’Malley’s Pub on Lincoln where the beer is cheap but the comics reviewers are cheaper. This week,… [more]

Late September Reviews

Greetings, and welcome to this week’s New Comic’s Day. We’re still tinkering a bit with the format, so bear with us. Or should I say, “Me.” I’d hate to blame Julian and Matt for any… [more]

Comics Published 24 September 2003

Going for three weeks in a row here. Pretty promising, if I do say so myself.There would probably be a lot more reviews here this week, except that I recently had to reformat my hard… [more]

Wednesday, 24 September

Hello, all, and welcome to the fourth edition of New Comics Day. Thanks to Julian and Matt for having me here at for what will hopefully be a nice long run of ranting and… [more]

Comics Published 17 September 2003

Bit of good news (I suppose) for the readers (reader?): I quit my job.Which, naturally, means I’m back to managing the comic book store. Which, at least theoretically, means that reviews should be getting kicked… [more]

Attention Versus Quality (or Fuck the Market)

People love to complain about it. I can’t enter a comic shop without hearing it. Everyone in American comics seems to want another boom — as if the last one was good for us.

Comics Published on 27 August 2003

Where have I been, you ask? It’s a long story, full of excuses and bullshit, but mostly, when you break it down, I’ve been lazy. I started a new job, one away from the easy… [more]

August Comics

FEATURED BOOK Teenagers from Mars #7 Rick Spears’ tale of teen angst, censorship, comic books and rebellion nears a close with this, the penultimate chapter, in which something actually happens. It’s a nice change from… [more]

July Comics

FEATURED BOOK Wolverine #3 I know you’re reading this. Everybody is reading this. Wolverine is one of those books you wouldn’t usually catch a comic snob dead reading. They probably did anyway, but you wouldn’t… [more]

Summer Comics

FEATURED BOOK Enemy Ace: War In Heaven (TPB) Nobody writes war comics today like Garth Ennis. For that matter, nobody today really writes war comics other than Garth Ennis, but it’s hard to imagine many… [more]

Mark Millar’s The Authority and the Polemic over Iraq

For some reason, as I think of the polemic over Iraq (as I often do these days), I keep thinking about The Authority.

Comics Published on 25 June 2003

The Losers #1 DC Comics/Vertigo – Andy Diggle (w); Jock (a) There’s a trend in comics publishing to try and translate action flicks into comic books. I’m not talking about licensed properties or movie adaptations… [more]

Comics Published on 18 June 2003

Sleeper #6 DC Comics/Wildstorm – Ed Brubaker (w); Sean Phillips (a) Man, this book just breaks my heart. I say that about a lot of books and typically when I say it, it’s referencing the… [more]

Comics Published on 11 June 2003

First off, I should apologize. I realize that there were no reviews this past week and that’s only partially my fault. Through what was nothing short of an outlandish amount of mistakes on the part… [more]

The State of American Comics Address, 2003

Things are, in many ways, quite good in American comics. Sales stink, but the quality of the average comic book is really rather high.

Comics Published on 28 May 2003

Inhumans #1 Marvel Comics – Sean McKeever (w); Matthew Clark (p); Nelson (i) Another day, another new Marvel #1. I’ve got to say, it’s beginning to get a little repetitive, watching Marvel continue to simply… [more]

Comics Published on 21 May 2003

Arkham Asylum: Living Hell #1 DC Comics – Dan Slott (w); Ryan Sook (a) This is about the exact opposite of what I was expecting from this book. Your typical Batman-related mini-series is generally entertaining… [more]

Comics Published on 14 May 2003

OK, kind of an apology to start this column off. I know I was slacking for quite a few weeks there, only turning on a review or two. And then lately, it looked like I… [more]

Comics Published on 7 May 2003

Venom #1 Marvel Comics – Daniel Way (w); Francisco Herrera (p); Carlos Cuevas (i) Another week, another Tsunami release (I know, I’ve not yet reviewed Runaways and Mystique; they were good though). I’m starting to… [more]

Comics Published on 30 April 2003

Over the weekend, I read some things that I’d been meaning to get to. Hence, some of the reviews following are not of “new” books. They are, however, fairly recent, so I trust you’ll forgive… [more]