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“…And Providence Hesitates On The Very Cusp Of Another World Than This.” Rejection, Resolution and Revelation in Providence #9

“This stone, once exposed, exerted upon Blake an almost alarming fascination. He could scarcely tear his eyes from it, and as he looked at its glistening surfaces he almost fancied it was transparent, with half-formed… [more]

“Dreams, Writings And Our Outlandish Human Imaginings… They’re At The Very Heart Of It.” – Romantic Reflections On The Written Word In Providence #8

“ A blessed haze lies upon all this region, wherein is held a little more of the sunlight than other places hold, and a little more of the summer’s humming music of birds and bees;… [more]

“It’s Like Underneath Everything There Is Just Chaos…” – Perspective and Politics in Providence #7

“Any magazine-cover hack can splash paint around wildly and call it a nightmare or a Witches’ Sabbath or a portrait of the devil, but only a great painter can make such a thing really scare… [more]

“The Fourth Means Is Most Terrible, And Rests On The Eviction Of A Soul…” Transcription and Trauma in Providence #6

“And yet, its realism was so hideous that I sometimes find hope impossible. If the thing did happen, then man must be prepared to accept notions of the cosmos, and of his own place in… [more]

“And Thus Exemplify This Process.” – Duality, Duplicity and Dissolution in Providence #2

Providence thus far appears at the very least to be an exercise in dichotomy. The first issue portraying relatively liberated sexual play alongside tragic repression. The second issue appears to do much the same, only… [more]

“Leng. We’re All on Leng”: Alan Moore’s Providence and the Cthulhu Mythos

A while back I discussed just what it was that defines the sense of the Lovecraftian. At that time I spoke of Alan Moore’s The Courtyard and Neonomicon and their contrast to the perhaps less… [more]