Sequart Content Tagged:
Krazy Kat
Magazine content related to Krazy Kat
Krazy Kat Vs. Little Nemo
Dichotomies are dangerous, though useful, monsters. As silly as debating the relative merits of Star Trek and Star Wars can be, these conversations inevitably probe our relative biases and also outline the vast set of… [more]
On Canons, Critics, Consensus, and Comics, Part 2
As I explained in last week’s column, I recently asked my fellow Sequart contributors to answer the following question: “What are the 10 greatest works in the history of the comics medium, and who are the… [more]
How to Level a Lumpy Playing Field
In The Linking Myth I stated that I thought that the Jungian approach to understanding the myths in all the stories humans tell proved superior to any linguistic analysis.