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John Stewart

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Green Lantern’s Burden: Re-Evaluating the Superhero Genre’s ‘Woke’ Moment

At the turn of the new decade, as the euphoric epoch of the 1960s finally withered away, the symbols of American optimism took on new burdens and new crises. The superheroes of the 1970s, now… [more]

On Green Lantern Corps #1: Of the People, By the People, For the People, Screw the People

I don’t know how to write about this, and I’m extremely nervous about trying to do so. Truthfully, I can’t deny that I’m tempted not to try.

Draft Dodging (or, All You Need is Guy Gardner)

Well well, look who’s come crawling back! That’s okay, I forgive you; welcome to the latest chapter of Tact is for the Weak, the article that can eat 34 hotdogs in five minutes! For months,… [more]