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David Tipton

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City on the Edge of Forever, The Original Teleplay: Star Trek‘s Classic 1930s Tragedy

The final part of Scott and David Tipton’s adaptation of Harlan Ellison’s original draft of “City on the Edge of Forever” caps one of the most intriguing and emotional stories in the Star Trek universe,… [more]

More Fascinating Storytelling in City on the Edge of Forever, The Original Teleplay

Before I get into my discussion of issues #3 and 4 of this excellent IDW Star Trek comic series, City on the Edge of Forever: The Original Teleplay, I should correct a factual error I… [more]

Political Heroes in Assimilation: Dissecting the Star Trek / Doctor Who Crossover

Should the hero remain an outsider to corrupted society, or should he actively recover that society from within? [more]