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Comics and Sequential Art

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It’s Long Past Time to Retire the Term “Graphic Novel”

In comics, we’re always struggling with titles and definition. At least, some of us struggle with these things when conversing with people outside the field of comics studies. For everyone I’ve ever met who is… [more]

Andy Warhol: A Comics Creator?

Andy Warhol’s name is forever linked to a thoroughly modern style of artistic expression, emerging at a very significant time in the history of western culture. Mechanical replication, repetition and bold, vivid colours were hallmarks… [more]

Writing About Comics the Will Eisner Way

In 1985, decades after his first comic book, Will Eisner wrote Comics and Sequential Art, his treatise about how comic books work.  The first of three books (Graphic Storytelling and Visual Narrative and Expressive Anatomy… [more]