Magazine Archives for:

25 December 2014

Finding Comfort and Joy in Justice League this Christmas

Christmas episodes are generic now in the year of our Lord, two thousand and fourteen, but they are embedded in a larger history of seasonal programing that transcends mediums of all forms. Holiday festivals, derivative… [more]

An Adventure Time Christmas

Annie Edison: Everybody, point your magic Christmas weapons at him. Professor Ian Duncan: Oh, brother. This is ridiculous. You are enabling a delusion. Jeff Winger: The delusion you’re trying to cure is called Christmas, Duncan.… [more]

Nickelodeon’s Business Strategies are Threatening Its Future

As of late, a new trend is forming within the children’s cartoon industry. The industry is seeing more creatively liberal cartoons that contain darker undertones and flawed (yet likable or understandable) characters rarely (if ever)… [more]