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23 May 2014

With Days of Future Past Released, Where Does Fox’s Cinematic Universe Stand?

With the release of Days of Future Past, it’s time to reassess how Fox’s X-Men movie universe is progressing — and what it needs to do, if it’s going to be able to mount a… [more]

X-Men: Days of Future Past is a Lot of Fun

X-Men: Days of Future Past, released today, is one of the funner super-hero movies ever made. Caution: minor spoilers ahead. The movie’s been compared by some to The Avengers. Obviously, the two films are very different:… [more]

Bugged Out!: Scarab Reconsidered 20 Years On, Part Twelve

So here’s my theory: sometime between submitting his final scripts for Scarab #5 and #6, John Smith got word — probably via editor Stuart Moore — that DC wouldn’t be going ahead with his project… [more]

What Should Be Done with the Mutant Menace? Part 5: The Special Case of Professor X

…continued from yesterday. In the previous four parts, we’ve seen how a very particular plot line structures the X-Men comics: the losing and regaining of control over one’s powers (and the comics are based on the… [more]

Review of Arrow Season 2, Episode 23

For a good long while Arrow’s second season finale looked like it was going to be just about perfect. After last week’s installment that both set that pace and upped the stakes for this final… [more]

Is She-Hulk Too Sexy?: Goyer vs. Lee

I can’t be the only person on this planet who finds She-Hulk sexy. That combination of va-va-voom curves, strength and intelligence (the last is important) is a hugely attractive blend. So, the only question is… [more]

Your Homework Before Seeing Days of Future Past: Read All New X-Men and Whedon’s Astonishing X-Men

When comic book movies come out, it’s sometimes hard to tell what storylines they’re pulling from. Based on the trailers, X-Men: Days of Future Past focuses on a future where Sentinels have taken over, no… [more]