Magazine Archives for:

5 March 2014

Sequart’s She Makes Comics Kickstarter Campaign Enters Final Hours

Firstly, Happy Women’s History Month! We here at Sequart would like to give a huge and heartfelt thank you to everyone who has helped us with our goal to tell the history of women in… [more]

Review of Arrow Season 2, Episode 13

If there’s one well of actors Arrow seems intent on drawing on for its guest stars, it seems to be folks who spent some amount of time on Starz’s Spartacus. It’s a smart choice, as… [more]

“A Will Eisner Reader”: Your Introduction to a Master

To me, he’s always “Mr Eisner”. I’m sure he would have told me to call him “Will”, but something in my upbringing would have prevented me from being so informal. He could just as easily… [more]