Magazine Archives for:

13 July 2006

The Peter David Factor: Part 2

This issue (X-Factor #71, Oct.1991) entitled “Cutting the Mustard”, introduces the new X-Factor team as well as the new creative team. As I mentioned in my last column, the fact that a new team of… [more]

Reintroducing: Sovereign Seven #1

Sovereign Seven #1 DC Comics July 1995 By Chris Claremont & Dwayne Turner “It Was a Dark and Stormy Night…” (38 Pages) First off, I should admit something: I go back and forth between thinking… [more]

Superman Returns Prequel #2: Ma Kent

Previously, I introduced the Superman Returns prequel comics and examined the first issue in some detail, paying particular attention to how it changed things from Donner’s 1978 original. This time, we’ll continue on to the second… [more]