Magazine Archives for:
14 April 2006
The Slow, Donnerward Spiral (or, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: The Superman Movies)
Welcome, my acolytes, to this week’s recitation of Tact is for the Weak, the column that pays tribute to the heathen gods of yore with the ever-running blood of the innocent!…*ahem*… This summer, DC’s Superman… [more]
On Ant: Days Like These
Welcome to “Trade Waiting,” a series where we wait ’till comic book arcs are collected in trade format so that we can study and analyze the story on a whole. We will focus on character… [more]
Your Guide to Infinite Crisis: “PowerTrip”
We’ve previously examined the convoluted history of Power Girl. We now turn to Geoff Johns’s revamping of Power Girl’s origin in the pages of JSA Classified, which in turn led directly into Power Girl’s appearance in Infinite… [more]