Smorgasbord #48:
Fall of the House of Warner
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This is the post-SDCC world, and while most of the news have discussed to death, Shawn & Tom still want to talk a bit about the Eisners, some selected trailers, spin-offs for low-selling books, and the two terrible movies Warner foisted upon us in the same week. In the review section, we talk 1st issues of Batgirl, Predator Vs. Judge Dredd Vs. Aliens, Kill or be Killed, and Four Eyes: Forged in Flames.

Tom Shapira is a carbon-based life from the planet earth. He was formed in the year 1985 AD by two loving parents. He is also an MA student of English Lit. at Tel-Aviv University, Israel, where he feels proud to be the first student to graduate with a BA by writing a paper about the works of Grant Morison. In his native tongue, Tom is a staff writer for Israel's leading comics blog and an occasional participant in the blog's bi-weekly podcast. He spends too much time, money and thought on Comics (especially the works of Grant Morison, Alan Moore, Warren Ellis and Garth Ennis) and his friends and family wish he would stop. He is not going to.
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