Colloquium #14:
Imagine You’re Dying — Dave Dwonch on Cyrus Perkins and the Haunted Taxi Cab
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Markisan interviews Dave Dwonch on Cyrus Perkins and the Haunted Taxi Cab! Dave talks about writing supernatural tales for all ages, the origins of Action Lab Entertainment, seeing ghosts as a child and how almost dying inside a taxi cab led to the creation of his new series. (1:07:42)
Find out more about Dave’s projects at his website, Cyrus Perkins and the Haunted Taxi Cab #1 is in comic shops now. You can also pick up a digital version for $0.99 on ComiXology. Check out the 8-page preview at Newsarama!

Markisan Naso is a comic book writer and publishing expert in Chicago. His first comic book series, Voracious, debuts in February 2016 from Action Lab Entertainment. Markisan has 14 years of experience managing, editing, and revitalizing publications, including Knowledge Quest and School Library Research for the American Association of School Librarians. He has authored more than 150 features in print and on the web, covering subjects as diverse as catheter use protocols, EF5 tornadoes, and Superman. You can find out more about Markisan at
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