Grendel Omnibus, Volume One: Hunter Rose


collects Grendel: Devil by the Deed, Grendel: Black, White, and Red, Grendel: Devil’s Vagary, Grendel: Red, White, and Black, “The Devil’s Week” (also in the Red, White, and Red trade paperback), “Devil’s Duel” (also in the Red, White, and Red trade paperback), ”Scared of the Devil (also in the Red, White, and Red trade paperback), ”Sympathy from the Devil” (not previously collected), and Grendel: Behold the Devil #0-8; 600 pages

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See It in Context on the Continuity Pages:

Grendel Omnibus #1Grendel: Hunter Rose

The original Grendel, Hunter Rose, was the focus of Matt Wagner’s original Grendel series, which was unavailable for many years. Hunter Rose was not the focus of the subsequent series. After that series was completed,… [more]

Tagged Black, , Grendel: Behold the Devil, Grendel: Black, Grendel: Devil’s Vagary, Grendel: Devil by the Deed, Grendel: Red, Grendel Omnibus, Volume One: Hunter Rose, Red, White,.