frontispiece -- 1 pages
- art by Arthur Adams
“First Night” -- 32 pages
- written by Chris Claremont (pages 1-4 and 18-32) and Len Wein (pages 5-17)
- art by John Bolton (pages 1-4 and 18-32) and Dave Cockrum (pages 5-17)
- inks by John Bolton (pages 1-4 and 18-32) and Bob McLeod (pages 5-17)
- incorporates pages 5-17 of “Second Genesis” from Giant-Size X-Men #1
cover reprint -- 1 pages
- reprints the cover to Giant-Size X-Men #1
pin-up -- 1 pages
- art by John Bolton
- printed as the back cover
See It in Context on the Continuity Pages:
X-Men, The: Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum (1975-1977)
More to come. publisher: Marvel Comics count from #67 Giant-Size X-Men #1 cover date: July 1975 first issue cover: Dave Cockrum and Gil Kane $0.50 “Second Genesis” pages: 36 writer: Len Wein art: Dave Cockrum story… [more]